Saturday, May 02, 2015

Living The Suite Life

I had the fortunate opportunity to watch last night's game in one of the Dodger stadium suites last night.  Many thanks to my good friend, lets call him "Davey Lopes", for letting me and Mrs. Cora crash his party.  Of course the all you can eat suite food is nice, both with healthy sandwich options and not so healthy stadium fare (but oh so good Dodger dogs).  And the dessert cart never disappoints.  It was nice to be able to move around and talk with people, which proves to be a little harder when we all sit in a row.  But if you decide to sit, the chairs in the suites are nice and comfy.  I had a wonderful time and the home run barrage didn't hurt.  They have some great wall decorations on that level and I thought people would like to see them since it is kinda difficult to tour that level.   Enjoy the pictures below!

Club Entrance

Media Guide Covers

Hey, Its Dad

Beautifully Framed Jerseys

Program Covers

Yearbook Covers

More Yearbook Covers

Wonderful Collection of Tickets

Nice Addition to the Tickets

Inside the AM570 LA Sports Suite

Nice View

Fans Over the Dodger Dugout


Fred's Brim said...

Good stuff, AC!
How much free food did you kiester?

Alex Cora said...

Let's just say I was underdressed with the sweatpants, but they did allow for maximum waist stretch.

karen said...

Now just how do the rest of us get to know 'Davey Lopes'??

spank said...


Steve Sax said...

Awesome shot of the fans down below AC...