I'm no stranger to steroids. (For our astute readers, my first post for SoSG tackled this subject head on) In fact, last fall I had to take some ROIDS for an ear infection - it made me moody, irrational, and capable of hitting a softball past the infield!
So, I tried DVR'ing the Joe Torre interview with Bob Costas three times. All three times, it was the same special report on the Rod and the Roids. (And the schedule gaffes didn't end there: almost every classic strikeout game in the listings wound up being a different game). I missed Steroid-suspect Clemens's 20 strikeout game, and instead caught a classic A's vs. Mariners battle from the mid-90s. It was like the Who's Who of Drugs, featuring McGwire (who LITERALLY hit one ball to the moon), A-Rod, Canseco, and Jason Giambi. See lineup below.
Hopefully some day, the game is steroid free. But in the interim, I wouldn't mind a little baseball on the baseball network. (Editor's Note: As I'm writing this, Brian McNamee is about to appear on Howard Stern. No escape)
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