Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Ebbets Field Lives — in Postcards

42 is fresh in our minds, as is Ebbets Field. If you live in New York, you can relive some of the old-timey goodness. Thanks to BJ Killeen for the link: from "Winning pictures: B'klyn’s stars in postcard show" at the New York Post:

The Brooklyn Dodgers, who crushed the hearts of loyal city fans nearly 60 years ago by abandoning Ebbets Field for the bland riches of Los Angeles, will resurface in Manhattan next month — in classic postcards.

The unique historical presentation is being offered at The New Yorker hotel on West 34th Street, where visitors can view scores of postcards of the Boys of Summer and their former stadium, which opened 100 years ago this month.

"Bland riches of Los Angeles!" Guess old grudges die hard. We'll just enjoy being the new Yankees (and all the problems that entails).

photo courtesy of Hy Mariampolski


QuadSevens said...

The title of the post played a trick on my head. I read "Postcards" as "Podcasts" and thought, how are they doing that?