Fuck Carlos Quentin.
Jason Marquis threw over the head of Matt Kemp in the first inning, but the Dodgers kept their cool. Zack Greinke hit Carlos Quentin in the sixth inning, and Quentin, the punk, charged Greinke. Greinke took the blow of Quentin with his non-throwing shoulder forward, but Quentin's charge fractured Greinke's collarbone. Benches cleared, but the damage to the Dodgers will last well beyond this game.
Juan Uribe (who now LEADS the Dodgers in HR, for pete's sake) hit a game-winning PH HR in the top of the eighth to break the 2-2 tie (Dodgers had opened up a 2-0 lead in the first with a Carl Crawford leadoff single and a soaring Adrian Gonzalez two-run HR). That held up when Kenley Jansen worked a 1-2-3 ninth. Dodgers take the series from the Padres.
But really, fuck Carlos Quentin. He's a disgrace to Stanford.
Carlos Quentin has led the league in HBP the last two years.
Yeah, Greinke's hit him I think three times already?
Quentin sucks.
Jeff Passan @JeffPassan 1m
Broken collarbone is usually a 6-to-8-week recovery. So looks like a June-or-so return for Zack Greinke.
As I was saying Stanford prick.
At least we've got that Aaron Harang guy on the bench, since he...
Watch your 6, Quentin...
Mattingly on Quentin: "That's just stupid, that's what it is. He shouldn't play a game until Greinke can pitch."
Mattingly is furious.
Hairston Jr. was barking at John Baker, according to Mattingly.
Kemp got pissed when he knew Greinke was hurt.
I'll be there Monday night getting drunk, surly, and likely over the line.
Ditto everything you all are saying.
Post-game show is supposed to have audio from Greinke shortly.
C'mon Torre giant fines and long suspension.
Greinke: "[Quentin] always seems to think I hit him on purpose, but that's not the case, really. [I'm] pretty sure I hurt myself in the collision."
How is Greinke so calm?
Greinke: "I don't remember the last time I wanted to get in a fight with someone. I have comments on this stuff, but I don't have them to you guys [the press]. Sorry."
Fuck I'm pissed and sad.
This is upsetting.
And I thought last night was torture. I can't take it anymore.
(Goes to bed, gets into a fetal position and cries)
Bill Shaikin @BillShaikin 17s
Quentin: "It's unfortunate. It could have been avoided. You can ask Zack about that."
Disgrace to furd? Fucking furd. FUCKERS
It could have been avoided if you hadn't charged the fucking mound (or crowded the goddamn plate), Quentin
Quentin's fine should be Greinke's salary for the time he's out. Paid by him personally.
240 lb Quentin, with a full head of steam, couldn't knock down the 190 lb Greinke.
Although, sidestep next time Zack. It's funnier and you'll stay healthy.
Dylan Hernandez @dylanohernandez 4m
As Quentin walked into the parking lot, Kemp told him, "We'll see, bitch."
Kemp is going to douse Quentin in syrup.
And then call over Juan Uribe.
Sax. You are 2 funny.
Sorry but I'm really still pissed off and it's getting worse.
This one jackass on Twitter just said:
Good night all. I'm gonna sleep on my collarbone just fine. #SuckitDodgers
So of course I had to break some shit off and say:
I'm gonna sleep on ur mom just fine, u white trash POS
Dennis Lin @dennistlin 7m
Matt Kemp: "I think Carlos Quentin went to Stanford...I heard there's some smart people at Stanford. That wasn't too smart."
cc: Sax
Okay. Get it out of our systems. Let's regroup. Ryu will have to step it up. Cappy will get stronger. Lilly and Chad will fill in. Uribe will start hitting regularly, and Matt's anger will start the HR slams. This is our time. This is our year. Nothing's going to stop us or even slow us down. Who's with me?
I is! Way to rally the troops, BJ!
Damn, Dusty, why you reading that shit?
Jon Weisman @jonweisman 1m
RT @SmartAleck64: Wow...pictures.. Kemp still looks pissed.. #dodgers #Padres http://imgur.com/a/5wVUI
Can't sleep, still pissed...
Me too Alex
Me three.
That, and Candy Crush Saga
Still cant sleep
What level, Sax? I gave up after 91 pissed me off for two weeks straight.
Matt Kemp is the fucking bomb. Look out Quentin.
Honestly, where are the wags who questioned the "chemistry" of the Dodgers? Are they now espousing the "chemistry" of the Angels?
Roll Blue.
In hockey there are set penalties and they double when someone is injured. Baseball needs to adopt the same thinking.
Quentin should be suspended without pay based on Greinke's pay scale and given a fine by MLB.
Roll Blue
No more fights. Play angry. Beat them like a rented mule and walk away.
Torre and crew better nut up on this.
And right now - NOW - we should resign Donnie and create a monster of a team behind him, talk about a fucking rallying cry. [see Gibson in Braveheart]
It's Friday morning, and I'm feeling extra salty.
It's going to be all I can do not to start some shit today. DOn't know with whom, but anyone will do. I am saltier than...than SoSG Stubbs. And slightly hungover. And pissed. I'm out for more revenge more than Steven Seagal.
It starts now.
I don't know Dusty.
A deer just licked me.
Candy Crush: working on level 181 now.
Just you all wait till Dusty and I get back from Shit Camp.
And ditto to everything PPR said, but I have no faith that Torre (as a Bud Puppet) will do anything close to the "right thing."
And if the MLBPA steps in to lighten Quentin's suspension, they can go suck a big bag of . . .
If you can't take getting hit by a baseball you shouldn't play the game. You take your base like a man and pretend the ball can't hurt you. Then let your pitcher get your back. Unless of course that Pitcher is Bills but whatever.
Salty Stubbs sounds like something I can get at the county fair.
Before last night's game, Quentin had been hit twice by 12 different active pitchers. Does he "have history" with all of them?
He's also been hit 3 times by Jon Lester and 3 times in only 9 plate appearances by Eric Bedard.
Billingsley has hit Quentin before. So if he throws an inside pitch, is Quentin going to consider that "history" and charge the mound again?
AJ Ellis is a worthless excuse for a catcher. It's his fckn job to prevent Greinke from getting hurt by grabbing the batter not looking around like a clueless dumbshit. Drop your mask and grab the batter.
Oh shit. This brought Pedro back from the dead.
Key item on the "history": Greinke last hit Quentin FOUR YEARS AGO, with 19 plate appearances in between.
Neeebs has hit Carlos Quentin two times with his car.
Baseball Reference shows the HBP in 2009 was the 13th plate appearance between the two. Last night's HBP was the 31st plate appearance.
OK, 17 then. Radio said 19.
Either way, Quentin's an asshat.
Fuck me, I still can't get to sleep.
Oh wait.
Dodgers will be announcing a sell-out for the series vs. The Enslavers of Native Peoples soon.
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