Sunday, January 18, 2009

Why the Long Face?: A Summary of Recent Forlorn Expressions on SoSG

He Who Is Forlorn
Why the Long Face?
Manny the Hippo
Remains unsigned because nobody seems to realize how much he's worth.
Josh Bard
Made the game-ending out for the Padres in the 14th inning of a game against the Giants.
SSP's Dr. Geek
Surrendered Championship-clinching hit in SoSG Baseball.
Andruw the Armadillo
Remains unsigned because everybody seems to realize how much he's worth.


Orel said...

This post makes me sad.

Julie Hibbard said...

It makes me sad too.

I think Manny will be a Dodger very soon. What are his options at this point? (And what would we do with all those left over wigs?)
Personally, after watching Andruw Jones do so well for so many years, I am honestly sorry that he didn't work out.

Orel said...

Ba-da bum! Tip your waitress!

Jimbo said...

I am now etched in immortality.

Or until you switch servers.