Thursday, January 31, 2008

Coliseum Tickets Go on Sale Saturday


Tickets for the exhibition game vs. the Boston Red Sox on March 29 at the L.A. Coliseum will go on sale this Saturday, February 2 at 10:00 a.m. PT.

Single game tickets for all Dodger Spring Training home games played in Vero Beach, FL will also be available for purchase beginning this Saturday at 7:00 a.m. PT.

Grab your tickets early! Because I hear the Coliseum only holds like 1,700 people or something.


Confessions of an Undercover Angel said...

I was at my computer counting down the minutes then the seconds and I couldn't believe how FAST the tickets went! They were completely sold out in 5 minutes! We had secured 8 tickets and wouldn't you know it, the computer decided not to cooperate and we lost our place in line...lo and behold...we got 4 tickets waaaaaaay up at the very top - section 20 - row 90!!! Wondered if it was worth the $88 to see our beloved Dodgers as tiny specks at the historic coliseum, but hey...history in the making, right? We'll be there to root for our boys in blue...

Thank goodness we have season tickets and will be attending opening day - It's one of the days we look forward to each and every year!

Love your blog!

Orel said...

Somewhere the general public went from waiting in line for tickets to waiting online, but the results always seem the same: Only crappy seats are left when it's your turn. But at least you're going! Enjoy the game, Angel, and thanks for commenting.