Introducing Dodger Duck, a Dodger fan whose mission it is to spread the fanaticism of the Dodgers (and Sons of Steve Garvey) across the globe. We'll endeavor to bring you continuing features on his traveling exploits.
Today's episode comes from Paris, France. What better place to trumpet the Dodgers' upcoming victorious season, than the Arc de Triomphe! Dodger Duck stopped many a passersby on the Champs Elysees before realizing his French was a little, how do you say, rusty? Where is Eric Gagne when you need him? (Oh yeah, in Milwaukee, fresh and rested after winning a World Series ring.)
After a long night on the town, and the sudden realization how little the dollar gets in exchange against the Euro, Dodger Dog passed out. Tune in for the next episode of The Adventures of Dodger Duck!
That was better than Star Wars: Episode I.
I expect a picture of Steve Garvey holding Dodger Duck by season's end.
Be sure to bring Dodger Duck into the Louvre and put to rest once and for all France's condescending attitude towards American culture
This feels like an AT&T commercial.
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