Saturday, March 22, 2014

Game 2 Thread: Mar. 22/23 @ DBacks, 7p

Kanga...Ryu! Get it? HAHAHAHAHAHA. (I'm so tired.)

Hyun-Jin Ryu (0-0, -.--) vs. Trevor Cahill (0-0, -.--)

Best record in baseball, baby! And, no matter the outcome tonight, Dodgers are guaranteed to have (or be tied for) the best record in baseball until March 30th! Aren't small sample sizes and weird regular season games during Spring Training just THE BEST?

Speaking of small sample sizes, Puig's ugly-ish offensive output from Spring carried into last night when he went 0-5 with 3 Ks. Vin mentioned how much of the game is "played between the ears," so let's hope he can shake it off starting tonight. As cool as Van Slyke's night was, he shouldn't be asked to carry the load every night. He already has to carry that increasingly epic beard.

This is the final game in Sydney before the team heads home tomorrow to play a few more meaningless games. No all-nighters required for this one, thankfully. Sax and AC will be back in the Cricket Ground and Team Killeen will be back at Sportsnet LA. Me? If I'm still awake by game time, I'll be checking out Gameday Audio.


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Hideo Nomo said...

Ken Gurnick: Although the Dodgers are the road team, they will wear their home white uniforms today in Australia.

Wha? OK...

Dusty Baker said...

Gordon 4
Puig 9
Ramirez 6
Gonzalez 3
Ethier 8,
Ellis 2
Baxter 7
Uribe 5
Ryu 1

Hideo Nomo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hideo Nomo said...


Hideo Nomo said...

Sure, sit the guy that won the game for you last night.

Hideo Nomo said...

Welcome Original-Flavor Orel to our Twitter followers!

Greg said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Greg said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Greg said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

On the 405. 40 minutes and only at LAX. UGH - BJ via Scott's phone.

Hideo Nomo said...

Give our regards to Amy, BJ!

Fred's Brim said...

On the couch for game 2 of this doubleheader, Vinny!

Dusty Baker said...

On the sofa, Vinny!

Dusty Baker said...

Calling in - Stone Ruination growler and some pizza on the way. Radio only, but sheeeeyat...let's do this.

Fred's Brim said...

Where are Saxy and AC's seats tonight?

Fred's Brim said...

Emma Birdsall's legs are a bit distracting

Dusty Baker said...

That is one shitty national anthem, if that's what that was.

Fred's Brim said...

How many bunts will Dee try tonight?

Dusty Baker said...


All his swings are bunts.

Fred's Brim said...

Empty seats in certain sections, they must be stuck on the 110

Dusty Baker said...

I just let out a huge "On the sofa, Vinny!!!!!" and all my neighbors heard it. I'd been waiting to let that out for a long time.

Franklin Stubbs said...

Howdy, earthlings!

karina said...

épale everyone!

on the drafting table, Vinny! :(

Fred's Brim said...

Good to see Yas get off the schneid, hopefully Hanley will break out too

Dusty Baker said...

Damn Aussies show up late and leave early, don't they?

Fred's Brim said...

Stubbly! And Karina!

Franklin Stubbs said...

They need more training on the anticipated home run gasp down there.

Steve Sax said...

Dee Gordon, showing off that pitchers mound power

Dusty Baker said...

épale, K!

Dusty Baker said...

Good to smell you, Stubbs!

Dusty Baker said...

I've got your two foot hot dog.

Franklin Stubbs said...

My stench is in mid-season form, in fact

BJ Killeen said...

In the seats at the studio.

Steve Sax said...

At least yasiel got a hit

Fred's Brim said...

figures some dude in a Boston jersey would be eating the 2-foot hot dog

BJ Killeen said...

Wish y'all were here.

Steve Sax said...

Puig steals!

Fred's Brim said...

The big weiner costs $40 according to Vin. I figured it was fun number but exaggerated by the exchange rate but that's $36 USD

Dusty Baker said...


Where you at?

Dusty Baker said...


Gives new meaning to the phrase 40-dog, doesn't it, FB?

Franklin Stubbs said...

We'll, ok then.

BJ Killeen said...

It's a start!

Fred's Brim said...

DRE gets us on the board

Fred's Brim said...

it do, DB

BJ Killeen said...

Dusty: at the SportsNet LA studios.

Dusty Baker said...

Nice BJ. How'd you swing that?

Fred's Brim said...

second time we've been thrown out at second getting greedy. Clayton's attempt was pretty silly but I thought Dre would get there easily

Dusty Baker said...

One-nil to the good guys. Feels right.

Fred's Brim said...

She never left from this morning.
She's been sleeping on the couch with Orel

Steve Sax said...

Dodgers on the board, even if Andre can't leg out a double in this expansive ground. No worries, mate!

Dusty Baker said...


Dre doesn't get anywhere easily.

Hideo Nomo said...

Dusty, we all got invited back, but I couldn't manage two trips.

Dusty Baker said...

Orel Orel, or SoSG Orel?

Steve Sax said...

Why can't Dre run to second on a gapper?

Dusty Baker said...

I'm extremely disappointed by the fact that Sons/Team K were invited somewhere, and then invited back. That means you were, what do they call it, nice last night.

Steve Sax said...

"Give your girlfriend your glove back!" --Aussie guy screaming to the other guy who dropped the foul ball

Hideo Nomo said...

I got your two long lazy balls right here.


Fred's Brim said...

The outfield seats look like a Marlins game

BJ Killeen said...

Dusty: we have three hours to ruin our reputation. We will make you proud.

Hideo Nomo said...

Delino totally farted in Larry King's chair.

BJ Killeen said...

Adrian forgot how to bend over

Dusty Baker said...

I missed all you idgits so much. Glad we're all back here. Next round at the Assassin's Circle Bar is on me.

Steve Sax said...

@Dusty: that just means time warner cable just hasn't found delino's "gift" yet

Fred's Brim said...

stupid field

BJ Killeen said...

Just met Nomar. Cool.

Dusty Baker said...

Neeebs' mom didn't forget how to bend over.

Hideo Nomo said...

These mics are picking up everything. Sax, shout something!

Fred's Brim said...

Delino going top shelf is the gift that keeps on giving

Dusty Baker said...


Three hours is plenty of time to ruin our rep. Hell, we could ruin it, gain it back, and ruin it again in that time frame.

Hideo Nomo said...

Aw, I should have gone to meet NOMAAAAAAH.

Dusty Baker said...

Ten innings into the season and we already have a top shelf reference. Nice.

Steve Sax said...

1-0 through one. Nice K, KangaRyu

Hideo Nomo said...

BJ, is there swag again, or has that train sailed?

BJ Killeen said...

Someday soon I hope to watch a game on our 60" in our own chairs. AT&T UVerse is getting on my last good nerve

BJ Killeen said...

Nomo: no swag but free pizza on the way.

Dusty Baker said...

KangaRyu - holy shit it was right there under our noses all along.

Jason said...

Ryu's leaving some balls up.

*inserts balls up joke*

BJ Killeen said...

Nomo: still time. C'mon down

Steve Sax said...

@nomo: you should have heard me last night behind the plate. Ump was squeezing Kershaw so I screamed "c'mon ump!" twice. And then I screamed it in an Aussie accent ("ceom awn ump!") and the section cracked up.

But yes, Aussies so far are more excited for foul balls

Hideo Nomo said...

It was in this post, even!

Fred's Brim said...

Vin said Goolagong

BJ Killeen said...

Baaaaxxter? Like that cat commercial

Jason said...

Just realized I was a half-inning behind thanks to the pseudo-DVR feature. I feel like I just found a $20 in the couch cushions.

BJ Killeen said...

Sax: get up and go to the row behind the batter in the tv sights and Scott will shoot you on the screen!!

Fred's Brim said...

Was Baxter the fat stripey dude from Great Space Coaster? Goriddle Gorilla never respected him

Fred's Brim said...

@Jason is your jumping around? I can't tell if it's or the satellite feed from the other side of the world

Fred's Brim said...

Uribe robbed

Dusty Baker said...


It's just now sinking in enough for me to mention it.

Dusty Baker said...


Catch up already. Hint: They killed Kennedy, we allegedly put a man on the moon, McRib sandwich happened, iPhones...that's pretty much all that's happened that you missed.

BJ Killeen said...

Let us know when you're in place Sax.

Franklin Stubbs said...

Gonzo with the dance moves

Fred's Brim said...

nice catch, AG
terrible camerawork, director

Dusty Baker said...

Weird getting used to Trumbo as a Snake.

Fred's Brim said...

Saxy needs to be yelling after that one

Jason said...

@FB - feed seems fine.

@DB - Spoiler alert dude!

Fred's Brim said...

@Jason - hmm must be my internet

Hideo Nomo said...

You're gonna love Trumbo as a Snake if they keep him in left, DB.

Fred's Brim said...

nice work, HJ

Hideo Nomo said...

1-0 us!

Dusty Baker's Toothpick said...

1-0 good guys? He'll yeah!

Dusty Baker said...

Trumbo seems like one of those weird sex acts that one can read about on the internet.

Hideo Nomo said...

Niiiice turnout tonight. Feels like old times.

Steve Sax said...

BJ : not sure if I can finagle it down there. Will try

BJ Killeen said...

Ok. Let me know

BJ Killeen said...

Are you not on field level?

Steve Sax said...

Watch Dee bunt into double play here

Fred's Brim said...

HJ gets us going!

Hideo Nomo said...

Babe Ryuth is back.

Dusty Baker's Toothpick said...

Dayton beats Orange Menp

Fred's Brim said...

Sex is on the internet now? What'll they think of next?

Fred's Brim said...

Dee Gordon?

BJ Killeen said...


Fred's Brim said...

13 pounds of what?

Steve Sax said...

Dee Gordon just shut my ass up with that double. But he should have scored on that rundown

Fred's Brim said...

attaboy, Puig
that was dumb, Puig

Jason said...

Dee power?

Fred's Brim said...

three guys thrown out on the bases

I remember we did that a ton to start last season too

Franklin Stubbs said...

That was a very Puig moment

Fred's Brim said...

Get him home, Hanley

Dusty Baker said...

I want to apologize to you fine people for misleading you earlier. I am actually drinking a Stone Arrogant Bastard growler, not the Ruination that was also in my fridge and easily mixed up. I am sorry for the error, and have sacked the person who designed similar labels for Stone growlers.

Fred's Brim said...

i guess that wasn't a strike. I'll take it

Dusty Baker said...

Cahill on the ropes. Let's put the boot to his throat.

Jason said...

Puig's slide back into first looked REALLY awkward. Like Kemp's busted ankle awkward.

Fred's Brim said...

get him home, Adrian

Fred's Brim said...

that's how you do it, attaboy, AG

Steve Sax said...

Scoreboard operator having a really tough time here with the runs. It's 3-0 now, right?

Steve Sax said...

I've got 3-0 with the AGon sac fly. And no wickets.

Dusty Baker said...

Come on, Dre. I really want to type "Dre Day" or something old but familiar like that.

Fred's Brim said...

@Dusty maybe you already drank the Ruination and you don't remember it

Dusty Baker said...


I'm hoping for a century.

Dusty Baker said...

Don't forget about Dre!

Fred's Brim said...

nice work, Dre!

Dusty Baker said...

55 pitches for Cahill.

Steve Sax said...

Gotta get another Carlton Draught, mates. 3-0 through 2.5

Fred's Brim said...

good inning, fellas

Steve Sax said...

Mascot races at the half-inning. Soooooo glad we don't have a mascot.

Dusty Baker said...

Stubbs is our mascot.

Jason said...

Booze is our mascot.

Steve Sax said...

To be fair, O'Reilly stands have club-level-like concession stands, indoors and air conditioned and carpeted.

Dusty Baker said...

3-0 after three, to the Dodgers.

Fred's Brim said...

phew, thought that one was outtie 5G

Dusty Baker said...

No more Vinny. (cries)

Dusty Baker said...

Where the hell is Fanerman?

Where the hell is RBN? Oh, wait, I know where RBN is #Arsenal #6-0toChelsea

BJ Killeen said...

We still have him Dusty. Will fill ya in if he has any zingers

Fred's Brim said...

Uribe robbed a little

Fred's Brim said...

great bunt, HJ

Dusty Baker said...


Groove is in the house.

Fred's Brim said...

Dee keeps us going with a dribbler up the middle

rbnlaw said...

Dusty you are invoking my wrath that shall burn with the intensity of a thousand sons.

Starting with Stubbs.

BJ Killeen said...


Dusty Baker said...

Stubbs will be the first one against the wall when the revolution comes.

Franklin Stubbs said...

Hey, it wasn't me that told the Gooners to limp home down the stretch.

Dusty Baker said...

Rancho Hanliendo!

Fred's Brim said...

Hanley get's another shot, this time with some rancho action

Fred's Brim said...


Steve Sax said...

HanRam fouls out. Boooo

Fred's Brim said...

hmm time to take a pitch and shave the weird beard

Steve Sax said...

We are in Cahill's dome

Jason said...

@Sax: Get a photo with the heckler statue in left field.

Steve Sax said...

People are cheering the wave here

Steve Sax said...

Wave > Diamondbacks batting

Steve Sax said...

@Jason: that's no statue. That's AC

Fred's Brim said...

jeez, Dee. did those 13 pounds go to your left hand?

Fred's Brim said...

it's only the bottom of the 4th?

Jason said...

Huh, AC looks better than I remember from the last SOSGFest.

Jason said...

This game does seem to have a bit of a Yankees-Red Sox pace to it. The extra long commercial breaks aren't helping.

Fred's Brim said...

oof that was horrendous

Jason said...


Franklin Stubbs said...

Jaysus, that was goofy

Fred's Brim said...

Dee was there too early

BJ Killeen said...

WTF was that?

Jason said...

To be fair to Hanley, Dee was way late and taking a terrible angle to second base there.

Fred's Brim said...

Dee was already stepping over the bag when Hanley looked up after catching the ball

BJ Killeen said...

I think there's a new Beast in the house

Jason said...

Puig showing some smart defense running the ball into first since Gonzo was way out in right there.

Jason said...

@FB - You're right. I saw Dee's angle like he was running straight to third base trying to make up for his bad break towards the bag and it looked like Hanley didn't trust that Dee could pivot for a relay.

Dusty Baker's Toothpick said...

What's score? I'm in the dark here people help a brotha out

Jason said...


Fred's Brim said...

Attaboy, HJ, way to work out of that mess

Franklin Stubbs said...

So much harder than it should have been, but it's a 0.

Steve Sax said...

Ryu wriggles out. 3-0 through 4

Franklin Stubbs said...

Still 3-0, DBT

Franklin Stubbs said...


Dusty Baker's Toothpick said...

Sweet nibblets

Dusty Baker's Toothpick said...

Thx Stubbs

Dusty Baker said...

Fifth inning finally. Fifth means you open a new fifth, right?

Dusty Baker said...

Second dammit of the season. We're in fine form, dear readers.

Fred's Brim said...

@Jason I bet Dee doesn't really trust himself on those tough ones either

rbnlaw said...

Right, so who do I write my strongly worded letter to regarding the disturbing lack of Dodger baseball on my TV?

And my disturbing lack of goals by a certain North London football club.


Fred's Brim said...

Nice start, Adrian

Dusty Baker's Toothpick said...

I'm drunk and it's only the 5th inning... Of a game I act watch... And relying on other drunks for scores

Steve Sax said...

AGon steals a base and takes third! That whole thing was in slo-mo!

Dusty Baker said...

Of course A-Gon steals second.

Franklin Stubbs said...

Defensive up-fuckery for everyone!

Dusty Baker said...


We wouldn't have it any other way!

Steve Sax said...

AGon leads MLB in SB. Take the screenshot now

Fred's Brim said...

wow, how the hell did that work out? Every other time we get even remotely aggressive on the basepaths, it ends badly

Dusty Baker said...


Not meaning to pile on your Gunners. Just wanted to lure you out if hiding.

BJ Killeen said...

Watching AGon run is equivalent to undergoing surgery without anesthesia

Dusty Baker said...


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