Thursday, March 06, 2014

Caption Contest

What is being said in this Scott Killeen photo of Juan Uribe with the famous Brewers racing sausages?

"You on LinkedIn?"


Alex Cora said...

I've eaten you and you and you and you...

Hideo Nomo said...

"Ha ha! You all like me now! This picture would have been easy pickings a year ago!"

BJ Killeen said...

Who's got the biggest wiener here?

Steve Sax said...

Juan Uribe, hanging out at another sausage fest.

Greg Zakwin said...

"Remember that one time some guy hit one of you with a bat? Yeah, you're gonna wish that's all that was going to happen."

Fred's Brim said...

"Why is Chorizo wearing an orange juicer on his head?"

Dusty Baker's Toothpick said...

"This must be where all the dicks hang out."

Dusty Baker's Toothpick said...

"Pass the mustard"