Monday, March 24, 2014

Blue Heaven on Earth Awaits

Thanks as always to Scott Killeen!


Scott said...

Blue Heavens grass is spanking! Just perfect and some little kids are getting to play ball on it with their dad, so jealous!

Steve Sax said...

Looks like they have moved the retired numbers from the pavilions to the regular stands' ribbon area?!

Hideo Nomo said...


Fred's Brim said...

hmm not a fan of moving the retired numbers. I wish they would put the 76 scoreboards along the field level fence again

Jason said...

Not a fan of the giant Budweiser sign in front of the 3 sisters either. That is going to get way too much screen time.

Now if it were an ad for good booze, I might rethink my position.

Fred's Brim said...

and the Silverados have been replaced with the studio. Are the three sisters next to it?

Hideo Nomo said...

I hope I get to meet Spuds MacKenzie under the Bud Light sign.

Or at least Suds McDuff.

Hideo Nomo said...

I do think they went a LITTLE nuts with the use of the scoreboard shape. Eight in the outfield, counting the scoreboards, plus more around the parking lot.

Steve Sax said...

Dodgers have signed a new deal with Hexagon Inc.