Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Andruw Jones: Marching Toward Mendoza

No, not "munching" toward Mendoza--"marching" toward Mendoza. Since April 4 (game 4 of the season), Andruw Jones has not matched or surpassed the .200 batting average level, commonly known as the Mendoza Line. That's a streak of 15 games below .200 for the $18MM man ($36 over two years).

We here at SoSG are graph-crazy, so as a public service we are tracking Jones' batting average progress, as well as (more recently) regress. Here's the latest, after 19 games:

(click on graph for larger, Andruw-sized image)


Rob said...


Apryl DeLancey said...

Can we return him yet?

Steve Sax said...

Not unless the Braves suddenly want to buy in bulk.

Eric Karros said...

I'd be interested to see what this graph looks like at the end of the year

Steve Sax said...

Well at least I know I won't have to expand the scale on the y-axis.

Steve Sax said...

And speaking of expanding scales, (ha ha ha)...

Eric Karros said...

Actually, I think more telling would be a graph not of his ongoing cumulative average, as this gets progressively less sensitive as AB's pile up (and I don't like monthly avg's as they are basically discrete yet arbitrary boundaries), but rather of something like the avg of his trailing 20 games. In fact I'd like to see someone like Russell Martin's '07 graphed thusly.

Hmmm...on an unrelated note, what am I going to do this afternoon?

Orel said...

Graph party at EK's!