This is poised to be one of the finest weekends in the history of Boffo vs. Da Bums. After treating the Mets like batting practice, the Dodgers will be showing off their new lumber skills in the post-Murray era. Tonight, expect another round of tee-ball when Ervin Santana throws his patented mix of junk and garbage. Jered Weaver's got a questionable ERA and even more questionable back. Only Kelvim Escobar will remind the Dodgers why Eddie Murray was shown the door.
On the other side of this epic battle is an untalented hottie (Jessica Alba) and over-talented pile of rocks (The Thing!). The Fantastic Four franchise is exactly why the word "Hollywood" can (sometimes) be synonymous for "crap," "ass," and "crappy ass crap." (Although as I write this, I'm still breathing a sigh of relief that Keanu Reeves passed on "The Watchmen". If you don't know what that means, I assume you played more sports growing up than the Delino).
I think Roger Corman's 1994 version of The Fantastic Four, which cost ONE MILLLLIIIIOOONNNN DOLLARS and never got released anywhere, is much closer to the mark than the bloated drek about to open this weekend. Decide for yourself.
Prediction - The Dodgers bats will stay hot, but kids love hot chicks, fire, evil surfers, and stretchy stuff. Fantastic Four takes the weekend.
You know who would make a great Rorschach? House M.D.
I don't even know who the heck Keanu would have played.
I think Dr. Manhattan? The expressionless guy with blue skin.
Actually, Keanu would have been perfect for the part.
"The diary is not for sale, at any price"? Sounds a lot like another 1984 blockbuster movie...
Nice clip. What's the over/under on how much time per week Delino spends on YouTube?
It's all in the name or research. (And I actually own the Roger Corman version of FF. IT's like a tenth generation copy, that looks like you're watching the movie through a snowglobe)
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