- WHAT: 2012 Blogger Softball Tournament
WHEN: Saturday, February 11, 2012
WHERE: Big League Dreams in West Covina
WHY: proceeds benefit the Los Angeles Regional Foodbank
Wanna play? more information and registration form at theLFP.com - After an exhaustive search, we're proud to announce the honorary manager of the SoSG team will be...rbnlaw! We'd like to thank everyone involved in the hiring process (namely rbnlaw and me).
- Let's talk about Johnny Blanchard! First, a hat tip to JB (his second career hat tip) for recruiting our distaff players. Also, a note to rbnlaw: put him in, he can play: center field.
- Paul, we don't have you on the official roster yet. Did you sign up specifically for the SoSG team? UPDATE: He's in!
Pay up! I'm looking at you, Central Valley Fan and Neeebs.
I think the B2 bomber flying over the rose bowl parade just dropped a bomb on Dusty's house
Some portions pre-recorded
I'm really glad the Oregon float isn't as ugly as the team uniforms.
I do love when the flyover rattles my windows.
Neeebs and CVF: the Ronald Belisarios of the SoSG Softball Team.
Did the NFL make the parade officials move the day of the parade? I thought this shit was yesterday?
No, going back to very beginning of the parade, the churchies who went to worship in places along Orange Grove and Colorado Blvd didn't want the parade to interrupt services. So parade organizers decided that they wouldn't ever hold it on a Sunday and the tradition has stuck.
@ Dusty
I did not know that.I think it happened a few years ago too and i thought the parade had rained out. now it all makes sense. or nonsense.
I've got to get Neeebs' passport problems cleared up. We might need independent legal representation in the dugout after I put DB in to mop up in the 5th (remember, softball games go 7 innings. . .maybe 8).
Spending my time memorizing my Kurt Bevaqua rant.
Fuck the rose parade
I had heard that the reason for no Rose Parade on a Sunday was the church bells spooked the horses. Which makes me wonder why they wouldn't just silence the church bells.
That was part of it, too. Overall, a mass of people and horses clashed with church-going activities.
It only happens every 7 yrs, Spank. I think the other time you were thinking of was in 2006 when there was a massive downpour. But they still ran the parade; it was just wet and miserable.*
*For the record, I was inside Lucky Baldwin's watching footie and glancing out a little secret space on Colorado so I was not only dry but had beer access.
All hail rbnlaw!
I thought I signed up for the SOSGers. What do I need to do to fix this? I don't want to be on the Fingernails of Ismael Valdes blog team!!
We need Paul's massive knowledge of wines and how they pair up with a 6 run deficit in the bottom of the 4th.
Your team is all paid up. Thanks a lot guys. As for Paul. If he signs up and pays. I'll put him on your team if you would like.
"...if you like."
Now THAT'S funny.
All in favor, say "Aye."
I paid, but I would like to refer to an earlier post: http://www.sonsofstevegarvey.com/2011/10/softball-signup.html
specifically, "SoSG will subsidize the entry fee for any readers flying in from out of town."
Central Valley is not the same as THE Valley...
All this time I figured CV was living in Van Nuys or somewhere adjacent.
Who knew?
Things you learn on SOSG:
Square root of -1 is "i"
Who knew?
Apparently, MC knew.
Paul: Did you register at theLFP.com in addition to paying?
CVF: You're coming in from near Modesto? We'll reimburse you.
Thanks Orel!
Neeebs can I list you as my emergency contact?
I am flying in on Mr. C's private jet.
Paul has been added to your roster and is paid. Feel free to do with him as you wish.
Ok, then, M. Brown.
(dry humps Paul, slaps that ass)
Wait, Paul has been added, or Ron Paul?
Mr C's private jet was bought from the toy aisle of a local Jon's supermarket, is comprised of balsa wood and rubber bands, and only lands at John Wayne Airport in OC.
All this is true, but the in-flight amenities are second-to-none.
The Central Valley is Modesto to Bakersfield.
That being said, I will have to travel down after work on Friday and stay at a Motel 6 near the field, unless there is a river for me to stay by in my Van?
I DO think we should have a get together the night before to talk strategy. (I.e. Which inning we will get sh!tfaced in, when do we just give up, and of course, uniforms! My vote is we all wear #6 so we represent....)
In honor of Spanky, I say we don't wear anything at all, and spray paint "six" on various parts of our bodies.
@Paul: I'm always your emergency contact. Remember the 1984 tour?
Neeebs I don't remember anything about 1984. Wait...,nope that was 1982.
Agree re the night before. We need to get shitfaced so we can decide in which inning the next day we get shitfaced. I'm guessing it will be the top of the second inning.
I may be in over my head, but fuck it! We shall prevail. . .
in the consumption of beer over 7 innings.
Also, this just in: I need to know when we play on the 11th. I'll be coming in from Lancaster after watching my son's soccer match. If I'm not there for the opener, I appoint Dusty as my proxy. CVF and his wimmen can play/bat where they wish, but right-center is mine when I get there. (closest field to the snack bar, I think)
Went to the chiropractor for an adjustment and some electrode therapy. A couple more treatments and I'll be good to go for tourney day.
I'm in Long Beach off the 605. If anyone wants to carpool let me know.
In the unlikeliest of coincidences, I just found out this morning that I'll be flying into LAX on the 11th. I won't be there in time to play but let a brother know where the post-game boozing is happening!
This sounds awesome. You guys are great. I've got kids but if there's any sporting things going on on this particular date, they will be "taken care of." G-men fan, friend of G-men fan, and Johnny Blanchard will be there.
I am heartened by this quote from yahoo.com regarding Big League Dreams: "BLD should ban drinking alcohol in the dug out or ban the actual players ..." - yahoo.com
Hopefully, the status quo is in effect.
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