Friday, January 06, 2012

Sign Up Here For The Next SoSG Off-Season Competition!

Well, boys and girls, it's been a while since the end of the 2011 Season, and we've got a while to go before the start of spring training. That can only mean two things: Stubbs is bored, and it's time for a reader competition!

It's been tough to come up with a game that meets the highest standards of SoSG reader challenges, but I may just have one that demands the absolute minimum amount of skill and the maximum amount of dumb luck.

If you possess the above qualities, you can steal few moments to play before 5pm, and you possess a high tolerance for ridiculousness, let me know in the comments.

Details and schedule will be posted early next week, once I finish scribbling out the rules in purple crayon.

SoSG family members are also welcome to participate, as well. Your inside knowledge will not help you here.

Update 11:30am

So far, we have:

  1. Neeebs
  2. Jason
  3. Loney Fan
  4. Spank
  5. Hideo Nomo
  6. Franklin Stubbs
  7. Steve Sax
  8. Karina
  9. Steve K
  10. Dusty Baker
  11. MLASC
  12. Paul
  13. MeanieBreanie
  14. Orel
  15. Rbnlaw
  16. Mr. F
  17. Fred's Brim
  18. Fernie V
Registration is now closed.


Neeebs (The Original) said...

Square root of -1 x two capitan

Jason said...


By which I mean, I'm in.

Loney Fan said...

Let's see what you got Stubbs. I'm in.

spank said...

If this involves no exercise I'm down.

Hideo Nomo said...

Oh, you know I'm in.

Steve Sax said...

i'm in

Franklin Stubbs said...

Looking good. If we can get at least 12, it would be best. Preferably more, but we'll see how things go.

karina said...

in :)!

Steve K said...

Sign me up. I'm excited for the first competition from the mind of Stubbs!

Dusty Baker said...

It's hard for insider knowledge to have any effect whatsoever on blind stinking dumb luck, eh?

Dammit, that was my only hope for success.

Nonetheless, I'm in!


Dusty Baker said...

Wait, is there going to be any cartoon bear porn?

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

You are so on that things have now become very much like Donkey Kong.

Dusty Baker said...

Decidedly not dissimilar to Donkey Kong, indeed.

Paul said...

I have been called a Lucky bastard before so I am in.

MeanieBreanie said...

Minimum skill yes, dumb luck questionable. Count me in.

Orel said...


Dusty Baker said...

A super majority of Sons are in!

Maybe EK can be conjured from the dead to join in. (cries)

rbnlaw said...

I'm in for a first round loss.

MR.F said...

I'm in!

But I may be out of the office a couple days next week.

Franklin Stubbs said...

Sixteen is a good number for balance. I'll leave registration conditionally for if we can get to 20. Otherwise, this will be the field.

Fred's Brim said...

@Stubbs, you can add me if you need another to even it out or make it a multiple of four

Franklin Stubbs said...

You're on the *special* list, FB.

karina said...

@Dusty Baker EK is not dead, he's retired, why do you have to be so cruel?


Fernie V said...

Stubbs I am in if you got room.

Franklin Stubbs said...

There's still room, Fernie.

Franklin Stubbs said...


I know I can never replace EK in your heart, but I have a lot to offer!

Franklin Stubbs said...

It's that EK hair, isn't it?


Dusty Baker said...

Did I lose yet?

Dusty Baker said...


Fernie V said...

Let me in.

spank said...

Someone's knocking on the door.
Somebody's ringing the bell.

Fernie V said...

Why is there an astrich by my name? Did I flunk a drug test, did I pull a Ryan Fraud?

Franklin Stubbs said...


I was holding out for a round 20, but I think I can make 18 work, too. You guys are in.

karina said...

@Stubbs "I have a lot to offer"


"It's that EK hair, isn't it?"

AMONG other things, yeah

Neeebs (The Original) said...

EK's hair??
