Thursday, December 04, 2008

SoSG Baseball, Day 4

Yesterday's Results: In the Purple Game, QuadSevens grounded out against Loney Fan; in the Maroon Game, Pablo (a.k.a. Matt) singled off R. McGowan. This means that both games find themselves in the same situation: 1st and 2nd with one out.

Today's Matchups and Game: Ryan vs Steve, and Karina vs Tony. And this is the game. This one took a little time for me to get used to (when you pick up a cookie or the flyswatter, you don't click and hold, as I intuitively thought. You single click to pick up the cookie, then single click to drop it).

So Ryan, Steve, Karina, and Tony, please submit a screenshot of your high score (only your first submission will count), include your screenname somewhere in your email, and don't reveal your score to anyone but SoSG. Good luck!

Update: Thanks to the heads up from Sweeney Sour Pork's Steve, I now realize today's particular game scores in multiples of five only. Thus, instead of the last digit determining a home run/double/double play, it will be the second-to-last digit. But for this game only (and any future ones I so indicate).


Ryan McGowan said...

Shame that I developed carpal tunnel because of that darn game yesterday and ended up giving up a single. Lets go Steve.

Loney Fan said...

Glad to see that we got an out. But I am still concerned that Tony has fallen asleep in the bullpen. With no contact since the inception of the game, are we allowed to call in a reliever if he has not responded in the comment section by say... 5pm?

Jimbo said...

Hey, where did my name go? Did I get sent down to AA?

QuadSevens said...

Apparently I am not a great drummer. Sorry to let you down Rancho Ardiendo.

Let's go Karina! Bring in some runs for us!

Eric Karros said...

Don't worry Dr. Geek (and Fanerman), you guys don't appear only because you're not scheduled in the next 3 matchups due to the lineup reshuffle. Dr. Geek, you're up to bat after A. Bastard.

Loney Fan - Sorry, we have to give Tony his full time allotted, until midnight. He might surprise you. But if he misses his turn, I'll reshuffle lineup to give us time to contact and recruit his replacement before his next at-bat (as he's currently scheduled to bat twice in a row).

FYI there may not be any games played tomorrow. But there may. Undetermined. So keep your eye on the situation.

MR.F said...

Good work Loney Fan!

Hopefully Tony shows up.

Eric Karros said...

Just to clarify, if Tony misses his turn today, he still forfeits his at-bat, but I'll reshuffle so GSoSG doesn't forfeit his 2nd at-bat.

On a side note - ironically for Rancho Ardiendo, I just realized how it's impossible to load the bases in this game given the baserunning rules.

Loney Fan said...

I would say the irony falls more on the GSoSG as the inability to load the bases coupled with the loss of a teammate is going to result in a run for Rancho Ardiendo.

Pablo said...

Is there a way to show the scores each player got? It'd be nice to know what the competition is like

Loney Fan said...

Yeah, that would be cool

MR.F said...

But then everyone will know how much I suck at Flash games!

Eric Karros said...

I actually thought through the question of whether or not to reveal scores after each round and decided against it. One reason is because I specifically wanted to involve the 'blind auction' aspect of the game, which would be compromised even if I revealed scores after each round. Another reason is because we will almost certainly be repeating games, and I don't want anyone to feel like they have to reach a certain score range to win.

Perhaps after the entire competition is over I'll reveal them all.

Eric Karros said...

And Fanerman, just FYI, if Tony doesn't show up for his at-bat tonight, I'm teeing you up to take his 2nd at bat tomorrow while we recruit for his replacement. So be ready. If he does show up however, you won't be batting until sometime mid-next week.

Anonymous said...

That game was horrible, but I submitted my score... hope I don't let you down, Ryan, Geek, & Bastard!

EK: I don't know if you planned for this with your rules. This game was set up so you have to score in increments of 25, which means the last digit has to be a 5 or 0. Based on your scoring system, if the batter wins there's a 50/50 chance of home run/single. Nothing else. I'm not trying to complain, just bracing my team for giving up a three-run jack!

Eric Karros said...

Astute observation, Steve. I didn't realize that.

Thus, for this game only, the 2nd-to-last digit will determine home run/double play (I haven't looked at any submitted scores yet).

Eric Karros said...

Wait, did you say increments of 25 (not 5)? Crap, I guess if the batter wins it's still a 1 in 4 chance of a HR. But interestingly, if the pitcher wins he/she has a lower chance for a double play than in a normal scoring game (25% vs 30%).

Screw it, I'm sticking with the 2nd-to-last digit.

MR.F said...

Nothing from Tony?

Loney Fan said...

Well Fanerman, at least we didn't give up a homerun. GSoSG just needs a double play to end this inning with one run. We don't need to worry.

On a separate note, I gave EK some guff about the rules regarding non-participants like Tony. I have been reading posts by similar dissidents who claim other egregious errors in the scoring system. I would like to change my position and thank EK for his continually insightful posts during the season and his continued work to give us a heated gaming system in the off season. We are all interested in this intriguing game, but without EK's tireless efforts we would all be spending our 'at work' hours on youtube, instead of dominating each other in this foreum.

Sorry for the rabble-rousing EK. You're alright in my book.

TD said...

Sorry I haven't been able to post anything. Busy as H#ll at work and at home. But I'm still here....

Loney Fan said...

GSoSG! You can't keep us down! Sorry for doubting you Tony, thanks for coming through!