SoSG Steve Sax is here in the cold wintry north, coming off his morning coffee buzz and watching children play with enough toys to single-handedly defy this year's dour retail sales projections. Christmas is about family, and the warmth from this scene makes the chill outside the window seem distant.
Dodger fans haven't opened their stockings yet, but we'll keep them hanging on the mantle for a couple more months, in the hopes that we'll find Manny Ramirez along with the presents of Rafael Furcal, Casey Blake, and Mark Loretta (all of which we've already opened; some of which we're already looking to see if we need to replace batteries).
We've been very, very good this year. We deserve a nice present for 2009!
And to all the SoSG readers, Merry Christmas and have a safe and happy holiday break, with both your family, and ours.
Merry Xmas!
Merry Christmas, guys (if a day late)!
Hope the SoSG crew had a great Christmas!
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