Saturday, January 11, 2014

Scott Killeen, Dodgerazzi


Dusty Baker said...

I think I'm a Scotterazzi!

Scott, when were these taken, chronologically (esp w regard to the bullpen shot)? I'm trying to follow the progress of changes being made in that area through your pics. This one looks like it was either taken earlier or the place is being put back together.

BJ Killeen said...

Sucks I'm outta town this week...missing my boys in blue, even if it's from the top deck!

Anonymous said...

The latest bull pen photo is with Javy Guerra looking into the pen from against the fence, 1-9-14. The top photo being shown on the blog right now. Where the dirt is coming down over the embankment stones is where the three sister were. The embankment bracing with the stones has always been there. No new construction has been done so far, just stripping away for a clean slate to start new construction.

karen said...

I love Jon SooHoo but I'm wondering if he's hearing Scott's footsteps coming up on him! Keep sharing the pics Scott and BJ!