Monday, January 06, 2014

Dodger Stadium Update: Three Sisters in Jeopardy?

Thanks to BJ Killeen (words) and Scott Killeen (pictures) for the latest from Dodger Stadium:

AMBER ALERT: Three Sister Missing

On a recent picnic outing to Dodgers Stadium (the top deck is always open), we noticed the temporary tent located at the entrance to the third-base field level that housed a Dodger gear store was missing. We heard they were going to make a new entrance that included a viewing area for the bullpen as well as a walkover to the outfield Pavillions. Seconds later, we were heartbroken when we realized the famous three sisters palm trees were MIA!

No one we spoke to seemed to know their fate. The landscapers are planting a lot of new palm trees on the top deck by the main Dodgers store, but the familiar bent lady was not among them. Driving around to get a closer look, we found two of the three missing girls, unceremoniously lying atop a trailer in the parking lot. What will happen to this famous Dodgers stadium landmark? Where is the third sister? How will we know they will be okay and returned to their place of prominence? Someone help us find the answers!

WiFi and In-Seat Service for the Masses

While the Dodgers organization has not confirmed this, rumors from a stadium tour guide related to stadium changes/upgrades include a robust WiFi system, along with Dodgers stadium-specific apps that will welcome you as you walk in, guide you to your seat via a smartphone GPS map! and allow you order food and have it delivered to your seat. The AT&T-supplied WiFi was less than impressive in its Beta test last season, so it was disabled until they could really make it work. The other apps and the food-ordering system will be Beta tests for the rest of the league, but don't look for it to happen before the 2016/2017 seasons.

BJ also passes along this gem from the official website of Walter O'Malley:

"When the sun sets at Dodger Stadium, I am impressed first of all with the mountains because, at this time of year, they are fully defined. It makes me think of some of the great artists who did Western paintings — Frederic Remington, Charles Russell, Frank McCarthy, to name a few — because they must have been inspired by that.

"And then the cloud formations. At sunset, they turn pink. And as it continues, the closer you are to sunset, the clouds are still kind of gold. Farther away in center field and right field, you’re away from the sunset and the clouds are turning purple. So you think of an artist’s palette with various colors, and it just takes your breath away.

"Down on the field, a ballgame is just beginning. But the sunset becomes a major distraction because it’s so overwhelming it’s hard to take your eyes off it. And then the palm trees — there’s a group of palm trees on the hill behind left field — they are defined against the sky, and they are turning colors with the sunset. You can’t see that anywhere else in a ballpark."

—Vin Scully (Los Angeles Times, August 21, 2003)


Fred's Brim said...

oooh FB doesn't like this one bit

karen said...

I'm with FB. The bullpen will not be right without the Sisters. The picture of two of them on the back of that truck broke my heart.

Anonymous said...

Nothing seems sacred anymore...THINK BLUE sign gone, three sisters gone. What's next? The press box seating behind home plate,YEP! The stadium tour guide said the the main press area (not where Vinny sits) but the big area will be turned into a restaurant. And the press reporters sent high into the an outfield corner.

Anonymous said...
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Hideo Nomo said...

Ouch, Scott. That's Arte Moreno-esque. No like.

Anonymous said...

That's was the word on the when it happens? I would guess next year, 2015.

It seems like several stadium upgrades are being changed once a year in the off season. The outfield seating being connected to the rest of the stadium. And after the Hockey game, the visitors clubhouse is being torn down and renovated this year.

Hideo Nomo said...

Stan said "no major construction this offseason" at Blogger Night, but did mention the visitors clubhouse. The pavilion changes are a surprise.

Fred's Brim said...

I am hoping for an Indiana Jones-style rope bridge from the Pavilion to the main seating. That wouldn't be too major, construction-wise

Dusty Baker said...

I have a terrific picture of the Three Sisters that I took years ago and blew up to a nice size. Mrs Dusty in Law has it hanging in her living room. She (and I) will be crushed to hear that their fates hang in the balance.

BJ Killeen said...

I think we may have gotten a tour guide fired. I sent an email to our Dodgers contact, and this is what he replied:

I wouldn't say that is accurate information. Thank you for letting me know as I will speak with the tour guide.

I believe the thought process was that sometime in the future we would like to have offers such as those described below, however there are no concrete plans in motion at this time.

Apologies for any misunderstanding.

Loose lips sink ships!

SCWEBER said...

From the MLB site today:

"7. Enhancement of the ballpark's landscaping by the club's full-time arborist that will result in three times as many trees in the outfield as before. The display of the famed "Three Sisters" behind the left-field bullpen will remain."

Unknown said...

I love all the new palm trees! It looks great.

Unknown said...

I love all the new palm trees! It looks great.