Friday, January 24, 2014

'...and ducks will once again be on the pond'


Dusty Baker said...

Well, Mrs Dusty is laughing at me because about an eighth of a second into that voiceover I started crying like a schoolgirl when I heard Vinny's voice.

Fred's Brim said...

haha that's our Dusty!

Fred's Brim said...

I fell into a ticket for the Rangers-Devils game at Yankmee Stadium on Sunday. It's supposed to be 19 degrees with 20mph winds. I am already laughing at how stupidcold it will be. I am also laughing at what bitches NFL people are being about the Super Bowl

Dusty Baker said...

The best way to combat stupidcold is to get drunkligerent, I hear.

Fred's Brim said...

That's the plan. the 12:30 puckdrop adds to the challenge though. May have to bury a flask deep in the thermals

Dusty Baker said...

Is that what they call it these days, FB?

Fred's Brim said...

it is pretty warm down there...

Fred's Brim said...

is Neeebs going to this? I sure hope so. Kings at the Yard? I feel like the only thing to make this more Neeebsy is if King Crimson was playing a post-game concert

Dusty Baker said...

And they had a pisco fountain.

spank said...

And Neeebs mom giving "reprimands" in the penalty box to high stickers.