Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Psychological Evaluation Poll

Please select "A", not "B":
Free polls from


Greg Hao said...

Look at all you people trying to be contrarians and voting for B.

MeanieBreanie said...

My rebellious nature made me chose B. It appears that most of the readers have too.

Jason said...

The one thing I remember for multiple choice tests in high school is "when in doubt, choose C."

Where is my option C? How dare you ruin my guiding principles in life with your psychological games!

spank said...

Monty Brewster'D.

Nostradamus said...

Nonconformist checking in.

Matt said...

I opt out! Bring on the uncomfortable pat down!

Kyle Baker said...

Wait, there is no "A", not "B".

But then again, Simon didn't say to do so.

Kyle Baker said...

*tries to spell AC-DC with answer bubbles*

*rocks out*

Orel said...

I guess I'm a pleaser.

Nostradamus said...

Happy Thanksgiving, boys and girls!

Kyle Baker said...

I need a new, off-season avatar.

Kyle Baker said...

Man I love those throwback NE Pats uni. They should just keep those.