Thursday, June 18, 2015

Post-Game 67 Thread: Walkoff Balk

Not your average walkoff.


Whole lotta goose eggs in that box score. If the Dodgers and their ice-cold bats were going to win tonight, something different had to happen. After all, they left men stranded everywhere all night. But Greinke pitched flawlessly and the Dodgers found themselves in a scoreless tie with two out and Kiké Hernandez on third in the ninth. Hernandez juked, Rangers pitcher Keone Kela flinched, and the balkoff win was in the books.

The Dodgers' three-game losing streak ends in the most ignominious of ways, but (everybody together now) we'll take it.


Steve Sax said...

Couldn't believe Collapso GIDPd right before this, with two on, none out, in the bottom of the ninth.

Get that guy off the team.

Fred's Brim said...

I still don't understand the trade. Gotta figure he'll be sent packing when Olivera Newton John is ready.

Jason said...

I've scoured Baseball Reference and Retrosheet but I can not find another instance of a balk-off which is also the only run of the game. Baseball is so wonderfully weird.

Steve Sax said...

Last I checked (and I am too lazy to do it now), Uribe was not batting that well with the Braves (just as he was, it wasn't, with us).

Orel said...

Uribe is batting .338/.402/.473 with 2 HR for Atlanta

Pride of Dong said...

Last Balk Off for the Dodgers was in 2012 and it was the bearded one himself Casey Blake that drew it.

Pride of Dong said...

or 2011

Hideo Nomo said...

Or 2010 even!

Orel said...

Beat me to it, Gnomes!