Saturday, June 27, 2015

Game 76 Thread: June 27 @ Marlins, 1p

"Today's a great day for a ballgame. Also, why am I in Texas?"

Clayton Kershaw (5-5, 3.33) vs. Tom Koehler (5-4, 3.76).

Funny thing about the win stat: It's practically useless, but we still want our guys to rack 'em up. With Giancarlo Stanton headed to the DL and the Dodger bats loving the Miami heat, now's the time. Go Blue!


Steve Sax said...

Just landed and I see it's 2-1 Miami, with someone having scored on an error for the fish? Boooo

Mid 2 btw

Steve Sax said...

Lincecum allowed 3 in the first inning. 3-0 Rox after 1

Dusty Baker said...

WTF is wrong w Clay? I'm officially worried.

Steve Sax said...

Another bad, no-offense loss. 1.0 game lead.

Fred's Brim said...

Way to lay an egg after getting some momentum