Sunday, February 01, 2015

Super Bowl XLIX Thread

A mockup of next year's Super Bowl logo. SUPER BOWLL! Can't wait.

deflated balls photo by Rick Osentoski/AP


Orel said... is available, guys

karen said...

Ummmmm....Are you tossing stones at my teams deflated balls??

karen said...

Ummmmm....Are you tossing stones at my teams deflated balls??

karen said...

Ummmmm....Are you tossing stones at my teams deflated balls??

karen said...

I really meant that only once. It was the computers fault.

Yeah. We'll go with that.

Orel said...

Yes, yes and yes.

Dusty Baker said...

Who are we pulling for, lads and lasses?

I am drinking Sam Adams, so enough said.

Dusty Baker said...

Heh. X LIX.

This Super Bowl is for Neeebs' mom!

karen said...

Well Dust, you've got me rooting on the Patriots and Orel bringing up the rear with the Hawks. Care to be a tie breaker?

Orel said...

You're a man of reason, Dusty.

Orel said...

Oh, and Fat Tire

Orel said...


Jason said...

I figured margaritas to go with the dreary Seattle weather today.

Also, howdy all! Long time, no game thread.

karen said...


Hey Jason!!!

Orel said...

Épale, Jason! Strong move with the non-beer drink

Orel said...

I'm assuming Jason is for the Seahawks? Meaning Dusty can only tie it.

karen said...

Now Orel...Kissing Jason's behind ain't gonna endure you to Dusty.

karen said...

Just cause you beat me on the post doesn't mean you're right.

Orel said...

Adele Dazeem!

Jason said...

I'm decidedly neutral in this game, I'm a fan of a non-participating team.

Also, looks like that over bet I put on the anthem will pay out.

Orel said...

Flyovers never get old

Orel said...

Don't leave us hanging, Jason. Which team? (don't say Raiders don't say Raiders)

Orel said...

Pet raptors?

Orel said...

Welcome to the University of Phoenix Stadium, we got fun and games

Jason said...

Not the Raiders. I spent a decade in Pittsburgh and picked up a few local habits.

Jason said...

I loved Jurassic Park and Guardians of the Galaxy. That said, I'm not sold on Jurassic World. Though the raptor biker gang is a nice update on Grease. Can't wait to see how the song and dance number turned out.

Orel said...

Usually I watch the game and ignore the commercials. Weird to reverse my habits

Jason said...

Whoa, whoa, whoa, Clooney is doing kids movies now? Marriage man...

Orel said...

Getting tired of Kate Upton. Wait, did I just say that?

Orel said...

But it's Brad Bird!

Jason said...

Orel, I'm waiting for the Carl's Jr. ad so we can appropriately discuss the "new Kate Upton" versus Kate Upton.

Wait, discuss should have been spelled "discuss".

karen said...

Clooney watching paint dry is worth the price of admission.

Orel said...

You mean Ocean's 13?

karen said...


Orel said...


Orel said...

Danny Trejo is first place for now

Jason said...

I just realized that I'm not hyped for half time. I'm may need to mix a new batch of margaritas.

karen said...

Snickers commercial is the best so far.

Orel said...

Katy Perry looks orange

Orel said...

We agree on that, Karen!

karen said...

Danny Trejo!! That's who that was!

karen said...

A rare, rare day Orel!!

karen said...

End of first quarter. So far it's Commercials 1 - Game 0

Dusty Baker said...


Jason said...

Am I the only one that thinks of Juan Pierre every time they call Marshawn Lynch Beast Mode?

spank said...

i'm warming up for the halftime show boob fest

Orel said...

Juan far more beastly

Orel said...

Always be ready, Spank

karen said...

Epale Spankster!!

Orel said...


karen said...

MAN!! The puppy commercials get me every time!!

Orel said...

Another thing we agree on, Karen

Dusty Baker said...

I was just bitching about too many commercials, then the puppy one. I'm cool with any that have puppies.

Jason said...

I'm also cool with any that have boobs.

Orel said...

and Danny Trejo

Dusty Baker said...

I'm not into puppies with boobs, but who am I to judge?

Jason said...

What about Danny Trejo with boobs?

karen said...

Finally something exciting!!

Orel said...


Dusty Baker said...


Orel said...


Dusty Baker said...

Escher would be proud of those last two comments.

karen said...

Hands up from everyone who got teary during Cats in the Cradle commercial??

Orel said...

I dunno, the dog commercial got me more

Orel said...


Jason said...

Maybe I didn't follow the Nissan ad, seems like dad was never around and just showed up at the end.

Or maybe I need to cut back on the tequila.

karen said...

'I couldn't grow up cause I died from an accident'. Crap. I was just starting to have fun.

Jason said...

I think we can all agree that Weight Watchers should be banned from future Super Bowl ads.

Orel said...

Alanna Rizzo ‏@alannarizzo 1m1 minute ago

Holy buzz kill, @Nationwide.

Orel said...


Orel said...


Orel said...


karen said...

YIKES!!! Tied up.

spank said...

Boob Mode!

Jason said...

spank wins the 1st half comment battle

spank said...

Don't even tell me Karen is going for the Patriots.


karen said...

LOVE Bryan Cranston!!!

karen said...

Have to Spanky. I have a cat named Tom Cat Brady.

Orel said...

Karen, you're all alone today

Orel said...

You have a Tom cat?

karen said...

Fiat goes Viagra and Go Daddy shows no boobs.

Go figure.

karen said...

Orel...I know. I can't believe you all are going all Seahawks today.

Seattle is so frisco-y.

Orel said...

Patriots...Red Sox. 'Nuff said

karen said...

Yeah, well ya got me there.

Orel said...

Apologies to Tom Brady the cat, I'm sure he is cool

karen said...


Orel said...

Wow. Beautiful TD pass by Brady (the human)

spank said...


karen said...

Tom Brady the Cat can't make passes anymore. His balls were deflated when he was 6 months old.

karen said...

WOW! Gutsy call by Carroll!

Dusty Baker said...

Why is KP wearing so many clothes?!?!

Dusty Baker said...

I FUCKING CALLED CALIFORNIA GURLS right before she went into that one. Dusters so won't give me credit for it but I DID.

Dusty Baker said...

West Coast represent now throw your hands up!

Orel said...

Missy looks healthy

Orel said...

And...Carl's Jr. resets the palate

spank said...

not enough boobs but tons of leg. Spank satisfied.

Dusty Baker said...

Good review, Spank.

Dusty Baker said...

It feels weird that there have been almost as many Super Bowls as years I have been alive.

Orel said...

Chris Matthews WHAT A CATCH

Orel said... this is actually SB XXX?

karen said...

You're still a pup Dusty.

karen said...

uh oh

Orel said...

Beast Ă  la Mode!

Orel said...


karen said...

Suddenly not feeling so jolly...

Orel said...

Jeep commercial absolutely understated compared to some other spots tonight

karen said...

Told y'all Brady was da man. His junk even glows.

Orel said...

You're talking about your cat, right?

karen said...

I told cat lost his 'glow' when he was 6 months old!

Dusty Baker said...

Come on, Brady. One more comeback in ye.

Dusty Baker said...

As SoSG Nomo pointed out on twitter, as cool as playing human Pac-Man may be, the prospect of having to drink Bud Light a the end wouldn't make it worth it.

Orel said...

Pats marching back

karen said...

Was that Dusty rooting on Brady??

Dusty Baker said...

118 comments on non-Dodgers or baseball game. Impressive.

Difference is I suppose that we can all actually watch the game!

karen said...


Orel said...


Dusty Baker said...

Forgot to ask what everyone was drinking this afternoon.

I'm on the Sam Adams.

Dusty Baker said...

Please no prevent-(the win) defense.

karen said...

Remember back in the day the 2 minute drills John Elway used to run?

karen said...

Crystal Light Fruit Punch. I know. Gotta quit walking on the wild side.

Dusty Baker said...

Holy crap, Crystal Light. I remember that stuff. I think Spanky snorted some of that off of Lindsey Lohan once.

Dusty Baker said...

No wait, that was Tang. And it was Annette Funicello.

Dusty Baker said...

I have to keep reminding myself that I don't actually give a shit about who wins this game.

Orel said...

Beast Mode!

Dusty Baker said...

Least mode!!!!!

karen said...

OMG...This is a good game!!

karen said...

Dusty is the big winner tonite with the double Lohan, Funicello drive by.

Orel said...


karen said...

Well Blue family. I had fun hanging with you tonite!!

Orel said...

Thanks as always, Karen & Tom Brady (the cat)!

karen said...

Maybe we can actually hang for a baseball game sometime. #fucktwc

Dusty Baker said...

Awesome warmup thread for baseball, ladies and gents!

Love you, karen.

Dusty Baker said...

Jesus likes the Pats more than Seahawks, that much is clear.

Dusty Baker said...

PGT Up! Just kidding.

Jason said...

Well then! That was fun. See yinz next month when pitchers and catchers report!

Orel said...

See you soon, Pittsburgh boy!

Dusty Baker said...

Seahawks feeling...deflated?

Sorry, sorry.

Steve Sax said...

This one had me cracking up:,fl_progressive,q_80,w_320/ehzwopctyirm99tkjzfc.jpg