@TheRealJGuts vs. Thud.
If the Dodger fan in you hates that the FH's are in the World Series again, then the baseball fan in you can at least appreciate tonight's Game 7, in which the home team has a decided advantage AND BETTER WIN IT DAMMIT GO BLUE
SoSG Brothers and Sisters embrace the HATE!!
Game 7 Baby!! The only consolation to the Boys not being here is to be able to HATE on the FH!
Aww....that's a shame.
2-2 through 3. Come on Royals.
FH making me twitchy. 2 on, no out.
Mr. F in da house! Epale dude!!
I so hope Bumgarner gets hammered and then his arm falls off.
Justin Turner took this guy deep! You can do it Royals!
Well said, Paul.
I'm watching the Lakers game too. Double the pain!
Just caught up on the DVR. Hating this so far
Bumgarner has to break. I hate this Ump's strike zone but at least it sucks for both sides.
Holy shit! Real Madrid vs. Liverpool fin the soccer Champions League final!!
(hangs self)
I'd wish they would sing God Bless This Beer.
Calling it Royals take the lead now.
OK, Paul. We're counting on you to get this right
I wonder if the Giants are going to let Sandoval sign elsewhere
I suck
I'm calling HGH arm on that guy.
I think he is going to close it out at this rate.
I thought the Giants were done when Cain and Pagan went on the DL
If the Royals don't do something soon it's going to be a long ass winter.
Pence might end it right here.
Ok I'm on a roll.
Royals don't score here.
Jerry Hairston, Jr. @TheRealJHair 13s13 seconds ago
2 innings to go but This game has the feelin of a Royals walk off #KCRoyals #MLBPlayoffs #justsayin
If this were any team other than the Giants I would really be enjoying this
Shirt is off,barracuda is defrosting and rally thong is in full effect!!
You're our last hope, Spank
We whores are dancing in the moonlight...
I feel sick
It's like the Dodgers all over again.
Kinda casual lob there, Omar Baby
Shit. Here we go
Please oh please oh please oh please oh please oh please...
And Bumg is younger than Kershaw
At least the fans are into it
Well, guys. Thanks for showing up
I can't watch this fucked up shit.
Well that sucked majorly.
This hurts. I'm done.
Team in blue loses by one. Sound familiar?
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