Saturday, October 25, 2014

World Series Game 4 Thread: KC @ SF, 5p

Jason Vargas vs. Ryan Vogelsong.

The Royals have the 2-1 series advantage. The Giants have never trailed in a World Series since 2002...and we all know what happened then. Let's hope history repeats itself. Go Blue!

photo from @robotbraden via @EephusBlue


QuadSevens said...

That hat feels the hate.

karina said...

Don't go Vogelson :(

karina said...


karina said...

K: I kinda feel sorry for those girls wearing the pink panda hats

Stubbs: they have to learn to suffer

Dusty Baker said...

Why is Harold Reynolds freaking out about how great Hunter Pence is because he tagged up at third?

Orel said...

Because Fox has to convince everyone that they're watching a GREAT baseball game

Cliff Beefpile said...

Harold Reynolds is easily impressed. The SOSG softball team could have turned two on that slowass ground ball. "Belt gets back to the first base bag without even looking." Oy.

Dusty Baker said...

You nailed it Orel. Thanks for the reminder. Another reminder along the same lines was when the Dustettes and I tried to get into a bar in Alhambra a little while ago to watch some of the game. It was only on one TV way at the end of the bar and the other 436 TVs has college football on.

Cliff Beefpile said...

Oof. That was a close play, Arias was lucky.

Dusty Baker said...

Stoopid challenge.

spank said...

i feel used and abused signing in to make this comment. i needs a hug.

Orel said...

SoSG softball! Not sure we could turn a single play.

Cliff Beefpile said...

God I hate Hunter Pence.

Orel said...

Three innings to score three runs

Orel said...


Dusty Baker said...

God Fuck America! Stop playing this fucking song every game assholes!

Orel said...
