Friday, December 09, 2011

What I Got In My Mega Bloks Star Trek "Festivus Countdown" Calendar

Day 1: The Gorn

Day 2: A Tribble

That's it. A Festivus Countdown calendar only has two days on it.


Orel said...

Those two would make a kickass Tribblegorn.

Franklin Stubbs said...

Any relation to Jean Tribblegorn?

Jason said...

The nubs are too close together indicating no relation to Jean.

Franklin Stubbs said...

He gets that from his mother's side.

Hideo Nomo said...

Franklin Nubbs.

Dusty Baker said...

I'm wookin' pa nub!

Fred's Brim said...

And I see how the Angels can afford their 2 new stars. Apparently they signed a 20 year deal with Fox for 3 billion-with-a-b dollars. That comes to $150 million a year if my Windows XP calculator is correct. Gotta figure that the Dodgers' future tv deal will be bigger than that. Unless Fox decides they've spent all their money and lets Time Warner lowball us

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

It's a given that the Dodgers will be paid handsomely when they get a new TV contract.

Dusty Baker said...

Exactly, Czar.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

@Sax - Off topic, but what do you think of this "Avengers vs. X-Men" event?

It seems like a retread of "Civil War," but that's just me.

Hideo Nomo said...

Which side will Beast and Wolverine choose?

Storm is an Avenger now? Chick gets around.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Promotional image makes it look like Wolverine's with the Avengers. Can't really tell who Storm or Beast are with.

I might buy it if it's four bucks an issue.

Dusty Baker said...

I had Storm.

Neeebs (The Original) said...

I hope that you don't have any Trouble with the Tribbles.