Sunday, December 18, 2011

SoSG FF: Week 15 Smack Thread

Dual-offense football never really took off.


Dusty Baker said...


TODAY is the day I lose and will be knocked out of the playoffs.

spank said...


Fernie V said...

What are we playing for?

Orel said...


Orel said...


Dusty Baker said...


Hideo Nomo said...


Dusty Baker said...

It's interesting - last year I was also dumped out of playoffs by an opponent whose QB was Michael Vick. Dog killer! You have blood on your hands, Jason!

Orel said...

I want Tebow to throw an 80-yard TD right now.

Dusty Baker said...

Jesus wasn't in a TD mood, alas.

Orel said...

The Tebow train has left the station. NE 34, DEN 23, 8:41 left.

Dusty Baker said...

Where's your lord and savior now, Tebow?

karina said...

TEBOW! :))))))))))

JOHNSON! :))))))))))