Friday, December 30, 2011

Armed Fores / Pinstripe / Music City / Insight Bowl GameThread, 9a / 12:20p / 3:40p / 7p

How are you going to follow up a 123-point offensive explosion? With four bowls, that's how: BYU vs. Tulsa; Rutgers vs. Iowa State; Mississippi State vs. Wake Forest; and finally, Iowa vs #14 Oklahoma (the day's only bowl with a ranked team). That's a whole lot of Iowa in one day, by the way. Go nuts.


Franklin Stubbs said...

I yearn to be free from the bowl tyranny.

Steve Sax said...

I need me some spring training, stat.

Franklin Stubbs said...

Preach it, brother.

Jason said...

Peach it, brother.

Franklin Stubbs said...

I'm more of a Daisy man, myself.

Steve Sax said...

The state of Iowa is 0-1 today with one to play

Steve Sax said...

Iowa: not a good day for the state (0-for-2)