Clayton Kershaw (18-4, 2.31) vs. Dallas Keuchel (14-5, 2.90)
How about that Game 4, huh? Anyone else still buzzing? At least we get a day off today to recuperate.
Wait...what's that?
We have to do it all again tonight? And it's Kershaw/Keuchel Part II, with a chance to come back to L.A. up 3-2? Well, holy shit. We're gonna need more booze.
1 – 200 of 313 Newer› Newest»Taylor CF
Seager SS
Turner DH
Hernandez LF
Bellinger 1B
Forsythe 3B
Puig RF
Barnes C
Culberson 2B
(Kershaw P)
My body is not ready. Worried about JT's knee. Belly lower in order? Big faith in Kiké. Puig lower intrigues. Wow, Culby gets the start? I'M A LITTLE NERVOUS
There, there, Orel. The greatest World Series hitter of all time, Logan Forsythe, is in the lineup!
I'm still eating those words. IN LOGIE BEAR WE TRUST
I'm hoping we get NLCS game 5 Kiké today in the cleanup spot.
leeeeeet's do this.... well-rested Kersh is some tasty Kersh
More unexpected heroes!
sometimes I think 538 works too fast... our bullpen was not overtaxed after game 3 IMO... https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/david-robertss-overworked-bullpen-is-a-bad-omen-for-the-dodgers/
Yeah, I think I'll take our bullpen over the Astros'
reminds me of Joe Torre not trusting anyone besides Rivera and one other guy every year... except Hinch doesn't seem to trust anyone in his bullpen
shut up Buck
the groper!!!!
throwin' out the first pitch... man I wish there was a lady nearby
Oh, hey, they got a sexual predator and a war criminal to throw out a pitch for Game 5. That's cool.
Dubya still got juice in his arm
I mean, I certainly am glad there is not a lady nearby the groper in chief
The Bushes are baseball dudes
Crowd ate it up
Bush 41, Bush 43, Halliburton sponsorship in left field, at least one racist player in the dugout. I'm all in on my hatred of the Astros.
Dave Roberts sells poisoned milk to schoolchildren
That first pitch looked awfully hittable
CT3 leadoff single!
no way that first pitch was gonna be high like the last one
Corey first-pitch swinging, as always
his HR sure was a great moment even if it was short-lived
Full count to Corey. Make him throw pitches!
Keuchel's nickname is Nibbler
except that one lol
Corey looking for anything but something middle-middle
Or just stand there and take a called strike three over the plate.
Sensing a pattern here. 3-1 to JT
JT walk!
I call those kinds of strike threes "JD Drews"
Two on, one out. Hmmm
Dodger hitters are showing more patience today.
JT is the best hitter in baseball... discuss
Begone with that name, Johnny!
3-0 to Kiké!
Rancho ardiendo!
I loved JD Drew... sorry... RiP
And Corey can't hit into a DP!
Gotcha, Quad!
Belli doing that hook swing again
And staring at one down the middle.
Cody back to being overmatched
Let's go Logie Bear!
here's our hero... the Chuck Norris loookalike
Is that the first error the Astros have made, ever?
That called second strike was way inside!
Strike two to Puig there was way the hell inside. Not cool.
We have intrigue
very racist throw to second
They can't overturn this. He looks safe. Nowhere near enough evidence to say otherwise.
some would say merely insensitive throw
Logie shoulda stayed in the rundown--guarantee he's ticked he didn't
Full count to Puig. The discipline continues
That was a good inning. Time for Kershaw to come out and shut them down immediately.
Trying to figure out a Laz-Iossogna pun. Can't quite put it together
no longer applies to Puig... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdbORXEmbnk
@KevinKennedyMLB 2m
That was a designed play...announcers said he left early...that's what you're supposed to do to steal a run 1st and 3rd 2 out.
Two pitches, one out
8 pitches, 2 out
my mom's brother, Charlie
Ks Altuve for the third out!
24 outs to near bliss
Kersh is all business.
Before the bottom half, I said, "Kershaw needs to shut them down on 12 pitches."
Keuchel starts Barnes off 2-0
Keep up the prognostications, Erin!
Barnes flies out to right
Culby bounces out on the second pitch. Get with the program Charlie
Thank you Quad for the Taylor "who farted" meme
OK we cleared the bottom of the order and made him throw 13 pitches
I'll give Kershaw 14 pitches this inning.
Two more pitches, one more out
too complicated... just don't walk people
Eight pitches, two out
remember when Hanley Ramirez was our effing shortstop? what a joke
11 pitches!
Nevermind. I meant 12 again, obviously.
Whoops I guess 12
(mentally calculates 9x12)
@Orel 5:56. I said that? I like it, but not sure I can take credit.
Fox's pitch count on the screen doesn't change until the out happens. Which is dumb, since the pitch is thrown regardless of whether it's a hit or out.
Corey first-pitch swinging OMG!
I thought you came up with it, Quad!
Keuchel at 50 pitches with no out in the 3rd
man that was a sweet pitch to hit
It seems we're giving up on the patience this inning.
Whatever happened to our patient approach? JT pops out on his first pitch?
Now he's at 52 pitches with 2 out
guys... for the last time... you gotta be aggressive also... and what about game theory
Kiké bringing patience back. 3-1 count
Ugh nubs it back to the pitcher
now that sucked, don't swing 3-1 unless you get the pitch you want
Kersh 3-1 to Gattis
No-hitter over
5-4-3! Love it!
Still at minimum battage for Kersh! 38 pitches
I hope the home plate ump can hear me yelling at him!
Puig strikes out because he had to swing at it. Such bullshit.
GREAT AB AB! 4-0 Dodgers!
4-0 lead for Kershaw! I love it!
way to go Barnes
Culbie chases Keuchel!!!
Culberson beats the throw by Altuve. Joe Buck is sad.
This ump's zone if fucking with our RH swings. Hope Kershaw gets that call too
Guess not
Kersh nibbling all of a sudden
'Stros with two on, one out in the 4th
This is nerve-racking.
The worst possible thing just happened
Leaving bases loaded last inning = not good
I honestly cannot believe that racist fuck just did that.
Evil never dies, Erin.
Who is Collin McHugh?
3-1 to Seager...
Works the walk
2-0 to JT. Like this McQ guy
3-1 count...
it's a McDonalds BBQ sandwich
Two walks. Two on
Joe McEwing?
no that's a McDonald's BBQ wing special with coffee
Ball one to Kiké
I’m mad, yo.
Kiké Ks
Ball one to Belli...
2-1 count...
Wow Cody. Wow
Bellibomb for the lead!! Woohoo!!
I swear to you, this postseason is shaving YEARS off my life.
The death stare from Puig took some years off the ump's life.
well shit
That's a loud out but an out nonetheless
McCann kills one foul. We're not getting out of this inning unscathed
battle battle battle
McCann Ks. Two out
Kershaw spikes a 2-1 pitch to Springer. Ugly
Geez, it’s 7:36p and we aren’t even through five innings
Maeda warming in the pen.
Walks Springer. Kershaw is gassed
Oh no. Walk.
Acc to Charley, every player who has walked this game has scored
Uncle Charlie for strike 2
Only four swings and misses for Kershaw???
Just walk him and get Kershaw out. Never thought I'd say that
Fernando's fifth time through the lineup: Yankees 0-4 https://www.baseball-reference.com/boxes/LAN/LAN198110230.shtml
Kenta please
are we ready for some big outs from BMac????
This sure doesn't feel like a three-run lead
this feels like Yankees-Red Sox
I can’t take this.
Maeda's slider isn't there today.
Dammit, Kenta.
Great time for an error, guys
Correa reaches on an error, and advances to second. Now it’s Gurriel.
My wife is blaming me because I said, "I really don't want to trade three-run home runs every night," before that half-inning.
*every inning
Every night works too!
Barnes Ks on 4 pitches
All of a sudden McQ is unhittable
Joc walks. Let's cash this in!
CT3 pops out
How about some two-out magic, Corey
Full count to Seager. Just hit it to the gap Corey!
Is it wrong to hope someone foul tips a ball off the ump's mask?
And then the ball ricochets off Gurriel's nutsack
Kenta Ks Reddick to start the 6th
Unlike yesterday, our players are angry and off their game. Makes the game much less enjoyable to watch
Watson. Buck just Steinered that foul ball
Watson gets us out. Nice work
Turner fouling off a bunch.
JT thisclose to a homer
Hey we're past 200 posts!
Sooooo close to a homerun! Leadoff double for Turner!
JT is a blessing
Kiké showing bunt???
Excellent AB from JT
Playing for one run I guess.
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