Friday, October 20, 2017


Mazol Tov to the Most Exciting Dodgers Squad Since Orel, Kirk and Fernando.

Mazol Tov to All The Sons Of Steve Garvey, Living And Deceased

To All The SOSG-Maniacs, Past, Present and Future

To QuadStevens

To Karen

To Erin

To Todd and His Pounds of Peanuts

To Alyssa Milano

To Vin

To Dusty Baker's Toothpick

To Fred's Brim

To Paul

To Karina

To Spank

To all our fellow Dodger bloggers.

To All The SOSG Readers, and those SOSG fans who never learned how to read.

And To Eleven Years of SOSG, which began so humbly with one single post ELEVEN YEARS AGO TODAY!

I've lived in Los Angeles for almost 20 Years. I've seen USC win a National Championship... thanks to someone who mis-spelled their face value tickets on craigslist as "Rose Bow." I've seen the Kings hoist the cup. I've seen the Chargers bring football excitement back to Los Angeles (okay, that's a lie - nobody's seen them).

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

But the Dodgers winning the pennant, watched in a wine bar in Burbank, that will not be lost in time.

Note: It's 3:35am and I just woke up in said wine bar. Has anyone seen my pants?


QuadSevens said...

Mazel Tov to you too Delino! Hope you find your pants.

Orel said...

11 years ago today!

Delino DeShields, Sr said...

It was 11 Years Ago Today, Stevie Sax Taught Dod-gers To Platy

Delino DeShields, Sr said...

(Quad- that boat sailed. Now trying to find my car :-)

Steve Sax said...

Delino, the pants are with the car

Unknown said...

Glad to have been here for at least some of those 11 years. And, hey, I think I might be around the game thread for GAME 1 OF THE WORLD SERIES. See you there!

rbnlaw said...

I take offense at being left off the list, but I also understand due to my prolonged absence.