Thursday, August 18, 2016


Who's got one and a half thumbs and spent FULL PRICE for Guns N' Roses Tickets at Dodgers Stadium.

This Guy.

Fortunately, you loyal readers don't have to fall down the same rabbit hole.

GUNS N' ROSES! FRI NIGHT SHOW! $22.75 Tickets! Click here

If you're going tonight, Delino and Lady DeShields will be there in our full-price Loge level seats while chowing down on homemade 99-Cent Store bread and butter-substitute sandwiches.

And hoping beyond hope the show's not a repeat of this GnR train wreck from 2002. The 2:10 mark is especially painful.


MR.F said...

Good luck Delino. Sometimes the certainty of having tickets makes paying full price worth it. I've missed out on tickets entirely and have regretted missing concerts =(

Delino DeShields, Sr said...

True that, F. I've always said the best way to get ticket discounts is to not give a damn if you miss the show :-)

spank said...

rock that shit out,DD!

Delino DeShields, Sr said...

What;s So Civil About War Anyway?

Neeebs said...

Slash changed is headgear.

He also looks a little shy.

Damn Buckethead.