Monday, December 08, 2014

2015 Blogger Softball: It's On!


The date for the 2015 Blogger Charity softball tournament is set. It will be held at Big League Dreams in West Covina on April 11, 2015 and starting time should be about 8AM. A few more teams have been added and are listed in the graphic above. A few more will be added later today. I’m still looking for teams to play in the open class who are not blog affiliated. So if you would like to bring your team. Contact me and I can add you to that list.

Here is what each team will receive.
3 game guarantee
Tournament Director
Single Elimination playoffs for qualifying teams
3 large pizzas and 4 pitchers (per team)
1st Place Trophy
2nd Place plaque
Entrance fees included (for rostered players)
Any questions contact me here.


Dusty Baker's Toothpick said...

4 PITCHERS PER TEAM!!! That's pregame right?

We should think about Ubering it this year. Just saying...

Orel said...

Unfortunately I think they mean soft drinks

Jason said...

Maybe start a side game, hardball with hard drinks?

rbnlaw said...

Alright you sorry sacks of shit. I'm in, but Dusty better come out as bench coach.

I trust Orel, but he needs his lieutenant.

Orel said...

But I have no idea what I'm doing

rbnlaw said...

We know, but we're usually too drunk to care.