Friday, January 11, 2013

Pardon Our Dust, Says Janet Marie Smith


Dusty Baker said...

"Pardon Our Dusty, Says SoSG Board of Directors"

Hideo Nomo said...

I love it all. My only worry is that the expanded standing areas will feed the "LOOK AT ALL THOSE EMPTY SEATS. STOOPID L.A. FANS." trolls.

Fred's Brim said...

I heard they will be putting in special funnels over the visitors bullpen to allow for the pouring of beers and other liquids onto enemy relievers

DodgersKingsoftheGalaxy said...

Hells yah! Guess i have to sit in every section this season

Dusty Baker said...

I can't say enough about how happy I am that they are making these changes. The changes are crucial ones that have been obvious but long overdue. I can't wait to get out to the Yard. Thank you, Janet Marie and Stan!