Dodger Stadium under major construction right now. Lower seats torn out. New clubhouse on the way.…
— Patrick O'Neal (@Patrick_ONeal) November 21, 2012
I wonder if they're changing the seat color scheme again.
Am I crazy, or was there NO formal announcement of what's involved with these renovations? Admittedly, I have my head pretty firmly up Twitter's butt and don't check a lot, but you think there would have been a press release retweeted a hundred times or something.
they are expanding the player clubhouses that are underneath those seats. So, it's likely there is more demolition to go
His avatar is still black because he is, as they say, incapable of going back.
Once Spanky went slack, he never looked back.
Once Spanky went Aflac, he never went quack.
How come there's a bulldozer at my stadium and nobody said anything!!?!?
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