Thursday, May 04, 2017

Star Wars Night T-Shirt Compendium

Year Nine (2017).

May the Fourth be with you! Here for your convenience are all the Dodgers' Star Wars Night T-shirts in one place.

Year One (2009).

Year Two (2010).

Year Three (2011).

Year Four (2012).

Year Five (2013).

Year Six (2014).

Year Seven (2015).

Year Eight (2016).


Hideo Nomo said...

Ah, the "This Is My Town" campaign. It seems so quaint now. Preferable to "NO SPECTRUM, NO DODGERS!" anyway.

MR.F said...

I have the "This Is My Town" too!

Delino DeShields, Sr said...

Will they ever have a kids-sized shirt ? At least, for a kid who's not the size of Sloth?