Friday, March 30, 2018

Game 2 Thread: Opening Night (March 30, 2018) vs. Giants, 7p

Alex Wood vs. Johnny Cueto

Welp, yesterday happened. For many of us, the immediate thought was that Game 1 of 2018 was a mere extension of Game 7 of the 2017 World Series. Hitters swinging at bad pitches and watching good pitches, everyone swinging wildly for the fences, stranded RISP out the ass...not he way we wanted or needed to start the new season by any measure.

We'll have another chance to get back to winning ways, though. Tonight is Opening Night, and we don't have to face a no-name pitcher who turns into Cy Young -- a setup that always seems to vex Dodger hitters.

In many ways, we can just consider this a do-over for Opening Day. Hell, maybe Chris Taylor will get another chance to cream a hanging slider pitched right down the middle.


Cliff Beefpile said...

Hola cholas! I'm switching between the Dodgers-gnats/Kings-ducks. What a night for rivalries! I'm also occasionally tuning in to the Angels and Oaklaahahahahahahaha! Hoo boy, I couldn't even type that with a straight face. Nobody cares about that American League shit.

sanfrandodgerfan said...

sanfrandodgerfan said...


Cliff Beefpile said...

Davis got Charlie Steinered by that Puig fly ball. Dammit.

Cliff Beefpile said...


Cliff Beefpile said...

Well, this night was butt.

sanfrandodgerfan said...

Don't get your daubers down! 160 to go and We are LA! Good time for more scotch so hasta.

Ghost town in here...

spank said...


Steve Sax said...

Wow, we are really bad.