Yu Darvish (2-1, 4.15) vs. Lance McCullers, Jr. (1-0, 2.95)*
There are almost no words this humble Son can conjure to capture the magnitude of this moment. (Though this Son did a pretty damn good job.) A remarkable run for the Dodgers that began with absolute madness can end with absolute jubilation tonight. The opposite is possible, sure, but now isn't the time to think about that. Now is the time to sit back, grab a drink or seven, take a deep breath, and let this beautiful, hilarious, confounding, awe-inspiring, once-in-a-lifetime team take us on one more ride.
Now and always...LET'S GO DODGERS!
*Weirdly, the Dodgers website waited until the final game of the postseason to publish postseason stats instead of regular season stats. But that's where I've gotten the numbers from for every GT, so I'm not changing anything now.
1 – 200 of 221 Newer› Newest»Taylor CF
Seager SS
Turner 3B
Bellinger 1B
Puig RF
Pederson LF
Forsythe 2B
Barnes C
Darvish P
(But in a good way.)
Alea iacta est, you bastards! Bring it on home!
And now, the end is near
And so I face the final curtain
My friend, I'll say it clear
I'll state my case, of which I'm certain
Late breaking news: AC has stepped up huge. He will be at Game 7 along with Mrs. AC.
Let's go, Dodgers!
Guess that first check from the Red Sox cleared!
Way to go, AC!
I think my head is going to explode from all the articles I've read today about the Dodgers. I love it.
I think my stomach lining is about to explode from all the anxiety about the Dodgers. I am dying.
We’ll see how my G7 zen holds up after first pitch.
I can't read anything about this game. Other than on this blog. I feel like everything else is a jinx.
I don't want to spoil anything, Erin, but apparently there's some sort of baseball game being played today.
Deserve doesn't matter.
*cries* *screams* *faints*
Just got it the car. KROQ just played Thunder by Imagine Dragons (Joc’s walkup song), and now Beastie Boys.
This is an omen
It’s November, the last game of the year for baseball and the Dodgers are playing...surreal.
I’m just debating if I should watch the game with sound. I want to hear that crowd but don’t want to hear J. Buckeroo
Doesn't MLB.tv offer a crowd-only feed?
Do they?! I’ll look.
I feel sick
i'm going to make sweet sweet love to Gnomes after the Dodgers win tonight.
@ primo
Fox Deportes broadcast. call your cable provider.
So annoying that I have to squint to tell that it's Newcombe and Koufax over the announcers' shoulders while they blather. Show us what matters!
I'm feeling very nervous. I wish Buck would quit saying how much fun we've had. No fun going on here.
Newcombe and Koufax throwing out the first pitch.
Always with the rough start
that was on Bellinger. horrible play
Two batters, down by a run
So much for Darvish coming out strong and shutting them down.
Darvish is a notoriously slow starter
We knew we would have to score. Let’s settle in for a wild ride boys and girls.
We need our offense to be raring to go out of the gate. We're not losing because of a barely-fair double and a couple of grounders.
Gurriel is singlehandedly going to knock out Darvish
Let's go, let's go, let's go.
score some runs goddamnit
CT3 leadoff double!
rally thong rally thong
Get one back here and I’m ok
CT3 leadoff double and some Beastie Boys in the stadium!
Seager didn't swing at the first pitch!
Corey cannot lay off that pitch down and in. I don't understand.
Full count to Seager. Make him throw pitches
Twice in that at-bat. Why has there been no adjustment for that?
same fucking pitch like last night. fucking Night Moves.
We’ll see if Bellinger has made an adjustment on that pitch.
Guess his curve is working. Fooled Seager & JT so far
Cody vs the curve...yikes
come on Belli
organist playing some Marilyn Manson.
That’s a no.
No surprise there.
Wow. Cody was pathetic there
Truly embarrassing that all they have to do is throw that pitch to Seager and Berlinger all night. Surely some professional baseball player could help them recognize it?
He’s a little wild. Wild pitch anyone?
2x HBP this inning. MAKE EM PAY
It's all up to Joc
I think our lefty weakness has been exposed
It's Time for Dodger Baseball Which Means Leaving the Bases Loaded!
That will not be our last chance. It will not. We can do this.
Could be worse but that was pretty bad.
1-2-3 inning from Darvish please.
My God this isn’t good.
Darvish walks the leadoff batter in the 2nd. He's not here for long
Pull him. Now.
Kershaw moving around in the bullpen.
Dodgers can't seem to put together two straight good games
bring in Wood
Morrow warming up
McCullers looks like he can hack. Wouldn't be surprised if he had an RBI here
I'm going to cry.
Oof. If this is only 1 run I almost feel relieved, but he’s not cutting it.
bean this fucker then take Darvish out.
Gotta pull Yu. Would have been a great storyline, but it’s not happening.
Don’t understand why Logan didn’t come home with that throw
I hate that guy.
There’s your MVP I’m afraid.
Great season, guys
Fuck this. How do the fans have more heart than our players?
Remember how excited we were when we acquired Darvish? That he would push us over the hump?
Bean everybody!
So excited to get him. And now he's cost us the World Series.
Wish he would have imploded in game 3 of the NLDS like I thought.
It’s on Yu, but it’s not like he’s a bum. It’s just not there for him.
I want to see some fucking fight. I'm trying so hard to have it in me, but I can't pick up a bat. No more fucking stranded runners. Make it a game.
What we need is to answer back post-haste. Not everything, but enough to feel like we’re in it.
a run or two will do for now. still just the second inning
Fuck that noise right there.
can't catch a fucking break
Yep. That's how it's going to go.
The DP, I mean.
Not our night.
I have a very, very bad feeling about this
i'm doing everything i can over here to right this ship aside from sacrificing a virgin which i would do if there were any left in this cruel world.
Third inning in a row with our leadoff guy on. Let’s get a run dammit!
Kershaw needs to plunk the first batter next inning
Turner hit in the back on th first pitch. Two on for Bellinger now.
Bellinger stay disciplined.
Dave Kingman up to bat.
dude cannot lay off that fucking curve
We have so many goats
That fucking pitch. I'm just never going to understand this.
I want to be positive. I really do. I reeeeeaaaaallllly do.
I'm with you, Nomo.
We are getting demolished.
I think I’d be less upset if Reddick (wrestling heel), Hinch (bar brawler), Gurriel (dumbass racist), and Springer (dong machine) hadn’t found ways to make me hate a team I otherwise kinda admired.
Concieding the inning? Kersh can hit.
Is it the bitter bitch in me or does Joe Buck sound a little to elated when something bad happens to our boys?
And here we are back at square one, shredding Kershaw's arm to bits
Kershaw down swinging and now gets to face Springer.
So I just got home from work, and found out that my DVR didn't tape the first four innings. I'd be mad. but am feeling that DirecTV tried to protect me from pain and sadness.
Though I'll still call DirecTV and unleash hell
I’m not nervous anymore. Dead inside.
That video footage of George Springer's freaking me out.
It's like he's looking into my soul
i'd rather be nervous but the multiple beers i'm consuming would have alleviated that feeling anyways.
they should have poisoned Springers food like the Queens did to Kobe years ago.
Big lead and Kershaw is dealing....*cries*
Ringo's singing in my headphones. we can't lose now.
I'm trying not to be that guy, but, man, why didn't Kershaw just start?
I’m with you Erin
But we are going to win this.
We can TOTALLY win this, but we have to buckle down.
Any room for another sad sack?
What is it about these #3-4 starters that we just can't handle?
Kershaw is only pitching good because this ain't his fail.
i would have gone with Wood.
You know, I gotta say, the way this Series has gone, I would rather be down than in the lead at this point...not by FIVE...but, crazy enough, I still have faith. It's a totally foreign feeling, but this team has been nuts all season.
(makes room for Cliffy)
Know what you mean Cliffy but we are not seeing ANYTHING at the plate
A break!
BABIP luck courtesy of Bregman's weird t-rex arms.
sort of a break there. take advantage motherfuckers. dont strikeout fool!
Wonder where Lirano is going to try and throw to Belli.
Oh man throw him another fastball please
1st & 3rd, two out
KAren - if you hate Joe Buck and aren't too easily offended, you might enjoy Artie Lange destroying him on Buck's very short lived HBO show.
fuck man
We are hitting them where they're at
I’m sad.
almost time to change the channel
Is the season over, or do we have a chance?
Here we go. Sixth inning. This is it.
ya pa que Guey
Joc flare single to start the 6th
Logie Bear walks
seen this situation before several times today. woopeedeedo
just hit a single. that's all i ask
weak sauce
0 for 10 RISP. AWESOME!
I've changed Dodger shirts and bought several Dodgers donuts for the family. If that doesn't change our fortunes nothing will
Nope. No single for you.
hit a hpmerun here and i'll love you forever Dre
I haven't seen anything as constipated as the Dodgers offense since I ate that whole bag of King's Hawaiiian rolls.
Don't Call It A Comeback
We've Been Here For Years
There's one.
Whaddaya say Spank
i still hate you Dre but good job mutt
We're on our way to losing by one!
By Beefpile's Hawaiian Rolls!
Seal broken...
Taylor tried to tie it up with that swing and there's only two men on base.
damn yo
Corey just got sawed off there
Six Year Old on Seagar: "He's Skinny"
Bad time for what I believe was the first broken bat of the series.
Kenley in for the 7th. Four scoreless for Kersh.
Darvish was an anchor in the World Series. Who woulda guessed
5 runs in the bottom of the 7th! Whose coming with me?
I’m in Paul. Let’s do this!
i'm down Paul. fuck all. it ain't over yet! i'll streak all up in this motherfucker if we do
Turner has not shown up since game 1. Not even hitting the ball hard now.
Dodgers making all the Astros pitchers look like Cy Young winners.
Ouch Bellinger. He's Billy Ashley now
The Dodger bats weren’t with us Paul.
Well the 7inning comeback has been delayed....
OYe... our plank's getting short.
We need some Luke / Sarlacc Pit action
couldnt even get the ball out of the infield. hello motherfuckers that could be your last at bat of the season nimrods. spineless
Does this game counter the axiom that pitching wins championships? Because the Astros have outhit us by a mile
crowd is dead.
Wood with a clean 8th.
Dusty is probably half naked climbing up the speaker tower.
This series hasn’t had a grand slam yet right?
Only half naked?
Yeah he is depressed.
Morton is killing us
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