Thursday, March 19, 2015

Killeen Stalks Lasorda, Part 2

Scott Killeen focuses his lens on Tommy....


karen said...

I love these pictures. Tommy looks good.

Scott...Someday you need to let me know what kind of camera you have and what size lens you use. You shoots are great.

Fred's Brim said...

fantastic stuff, Scott! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Thank you.

I use a Nikon D800 with a 80-400mm lens, total cost about $5,000.

But I have been testing out a Nikon P600 Point&Shoot style camera which only cost $300. The lens zoom is unbeatable for the price and able to be used inside Blue Heaven without be kicked out from the "no lens over 6 inches allowed law."

Hideo Nomo said...

Oooh. The P600 looks intriguing, and I in no way know what I'm doing behind a camera.

Dusty Baker said...

Lasorda looks better in that portrait-esque shot than Greinke did in his official portrait.

Dusty Baker said...

Not the first time we've been kicked out for having something too long.

Anonymous said...

You said it Dusty, length has always been a problem at Blue Heaven.

No matter what a camera's price, it's what the operator sees tthat counts.

The newest model, the Nikon P900 will get a great photo from anyway in the ballpark. It's price will be about $600.

Alex Cora said...

God he looks like a gnome.